Source code for Chempy.infall

import numpy as np
from .making_abundances import abundance_to_mass_fraction_normed_to_solar,abundance_to_mass_fraction

[docs]class PRIMORDIAL_INFALL(object): def __init__(self,elements,solar_table): ''' This class calculates the chemical abundance fractions and can be used to provide primordial or solar scaled material for infall or gas composition at the beginning of the simulation INPUT upon initialisation are a list of elements and the solar table from the solar_abundance class. The elements are actually sorted by their element number ''' self.elements = np.hstack(elements) element_names = list(solar_table['Symbol']) element_number = [] element_masses = [] element_abundances = [] for item in element_names: element_number.append(int(solar_table['Number'][np.where(solar_table['Symbol']==item)])) element_masses.append(solar_table['Mass'][np.where(solar_table['Symbol']==item)]) element_abundances.append(solar_table['photospheric'][np.where(solar_table['Symbol']==item)]) sorted_index = np.argsort(np.array(element_number)) element_number = [element_number[i] for i in sorted_index] element_masses = [element_masses[i] for i in sorted_index] element_names = [element_names[i] for i in sorted_index] element_abundances = [element_abundances[i] for i in sorted_index] self.all_elements = np.hstack(element_names) self.numbers = np.hstack(element_number) self.masses = np.hstack(element_masses) self.all_abundances = np.hstack(element_abundances) self.all_fractions = abundance_to_mass_fraction(self.all_elements,self.masses,self.all_abundances,self.all_abundances,self.all_elements)
[docs] def primordial(self,): ''' This returns primordial abundance fractions. ''' self.symbols = np.hstack(self.elements) self.fractions = np.zeros(len(self.symbols)) self.fractions[np.where(self.symbols=='H')] = 0.76 self.fractions[np.where(self.symbols=='He')] = 0.24
[docs] def solar(self, metallicity_in_dex, helium_fraction = 0.285): ''' solar values scaled to a specific metallicity INPUT metallicity_in_dex = helium_fraction = ''' self.symbols = [] self.abundances = [] for i, item in enumerate(self.elements): self.abundances.append(0.) self.symbols.append(item) self.abundances = np.hstack(self.abundances) self.symbols = np.hstack(self.symbols) self.fractions = abundance_to_mass_fraction_normed_to_solar(self.all_elements,self.masses,self.all_abundances,self.abundances,self.symbols) divisor = np.power(10,float(metallicity_in_dex)) tmp = 0. for i,item in enumerate(self.symbols): if item not in ['H','He']: self.fractions[i] *= divisor tmp += self.fractions[i] if item in ['He']: self.fractions[i] = helium_fraction tmp += self.fractions[i] self.fractions[np.where(self.symbols == 'H')] = 1-tmp
[docs] def sn2(self,paramet): ''' This can be used to produce alpha enhanced initial abundances the fractions of the CC SN feedback and the iron abundance in dex needs to be specified ''' sn2_fractions,iron_dex = paramet self.symbols = self.elements solar_iron_fraction = self.all_fractions[np.where(self.all_elements == 'Fe')] scaled_iron_fraction = np.power(10,iron_dex)*solar_iron_fraction iron_fraction_in_sn2_feedback = sn2_fractions[np.where(self.elements == 'Fe')] self.fractions = np.divide(sn2_fractions,iron_fraction_in_sn2_feedback/scaled_iron_fraction) solar_helium_fraction = self.all_fractions[np.where(self.all_elements == 'He')] self.fractions[np.where(self.elements == 'He')] = solar_helium_fraction self.fractions[np.where(self.elements == 'H')] = 1 - sum(self.fractions[np.where(self.elements != 'H')]) self.z = sum(self.fractions[np.where(np.logical_and(self.elements != 'H',self.elements != 'He'))])
[docs]class INFALL(object): ''' This class provides the infall mass over time and is matched to the SFR class ''' def __init__(self, t, sfr): """ Upon initialisation the timesteps and the sfr need to be provided Input: t = timesteps sfr = the SFR for the timesteps t is time in Gyr over which infall takes place as a numpy array sfr is the star formation rate """ self.t = t = sfr
[docs] def constant(self, paramet = 1): """Constant gas infall of amount in Msun/pc^2/Gyr (default is 1) For test purposes only.""" amount = paramet self.infall = np.zeros(len(self.t)) + amount
[docs] def linear(self, paramet = (6.3, -0.5)): """Linear gas infall rate (usually decreasing) in Msun/pc^2/Gyr with an initial infall rate of start (default 6.5) and a decrease/increase of slope * t from above (default -0.5)""" start, slope = paramet
[docs] def polynomial(self, paramet = ([-0.003, 0.03, -0.3, 5.])): """Polynomial gas infall rate in Msun/pc^2/Gyr. coeff: 1D array of coefficients in decreasing powers. The number of coeff given determines the order of the polynomial. Default is -0.004t^3 + 0.04t^2 - 0.4t + 6 for okay-ish results""" coeff = paramet poly = np.poly1d(coeff)
[docs] def gamma_function(self,mass_factor = 1,a_parameter = 2, loc = 0, scale = 3): ''' the gamma function for a_parameter = 2 and loc = 0 produces a peak at scale so we have a two parameter sfr. Later we can also release a to have a larger diversity in functional form. ''' from scipy.stats import gamma self.infall = gamma.pdf(self.t,a_parameter,loc,scale) norm = sum(*mass_factor self.infall = np.divide(self.infall*norm,sum(self.infall))
[docs] def exponential(self, paramet = ( -0.24, 0., 1.)): """ Exponential gas infall rate in Msun/pc^2/Gyr. The exponent is b * t + c, whole thing shifted up by d and normalised by e to the SFR. Default is b = -0.15 and e = 1, rest 0 """ b, d, e = paramet sfr_norm = e norm = sum(*sfr_norm self.infall = np.exp(b * self.t ) + d self.infall = np.divide(self.infall*norm,sum(self.infall))