Source code for Chempy.making_abundances

import numpy as np

[docs]def mass_fraction_to_abundances(cube, solar_abundances): ''' calculating the abundances in dex from mass fractions INPUT: cube = cube table instance solar_abundances = solar abundance table instance OUTPUT: abundances element_names element_numbers ''' element_names = list(set(solar_abundances['Symbol']).intersection(cube.dtype.names)) element_number = [] element_masses = [] for item in element_names: element_number.append(int(solar_abundances['Number'][np.where(solar_abundances['Symbol']==item)])) element_masses.append(solar_abundances['Mass'][np.where(solar_abundances['Symbol']==item)]) sorted_index = np.argsort(np.array(element_number)) element_number = [element_number[i] for i in sorted_index] element_masses = [element_masses[i] for i in sorted_index] element_names = [element_names[i] for i in sorted_index] base = np.zeros(len(cube)) list_of_arrays = [] for i in range(len(element_names)): list_of_arrays.append(base) cube_abundances = np.core.records.fromarrays(list_of_arrays,names=element_names) for i,item in enumerate(element_names): cube_abundances[item] = np.divide(cube[item],float(element_masses[i])) normalisation = np.copy(cube_abundances['H']) for i,item in enumerate(element_names): cube_abundances[item] = np.divide(cube_abundances[item],normalisation) for i,item in enumerate(element_names): #cube_abundances[item] = np.log10(cube_abundances[item]) + 12. # supressing the warnings assert cube_abundances[item].all() >= 0. with np.errstate(invalid = 'ignore', divide = 'ignore'): cube_abundances[item] = np.where(cube_abundances[item] == 0. , -np.inf, np.log10(cube_abundances[item]) + 12.) for i,item in enumerate(element_names): cube_abundances[item] -= solar_abundances['photospheric'][np.where(solar_abundances['Symbol']==item)] return (cube_abundances,element_names,element_number)
[docs]def abundance_to_mass_fraction(all_elements,all_masses,all_abundances,abundances,symbols): ''' Calculating mass fractions from abundances. INPUT: all_elements = list of all elements from solar abundance instance all_masses = list of corresponding masses from solar abundances all_abundances = solar abundances (not needed) abundances = the abundances symbols = a list of the elemental symbols corresponding to the abundances OUTPUT: the fractions as an array ''' fractions = [] for i,item in enumerate(symbols): fractions.append(abundances[i]) fractions[i] -= 12 fractions[i] = np.power(10,fractions[i]) fractions[i] *= all_masses[np.where(all_elements == item)] tmp = sum(fractions) for i,item in enumerate(symbols): fractions[i] /= tmp return np.hstack(fractions)
[docs]def abundance_to_mass_fraction_normed_to_solar(all_elements,all_masses,all_abundances,abundances,symbols): ''' Calculating mass fractions normed to solar from abundances. INPUT: all_elements = list of all elements from solar abundance instance all_masses = list of corresponding masses from solar abundances all_abundances = solar abundances (not needed) abundances = the abundances symbols = a list of the elemental symbols corresponding to the abundances OUTPUT: the fractions as an array ''' fractions = [] for i,item in enumerate(symbols): fractions.append(abundances[i] + all_abundances[np.where(all_elements == item)]) fractions[i] -= 12 fractions[i] = np.power(10,fractions[i]) fractions[i] *= all_masses[np.where(all_elements == item)] tmp = sum(fractions) for i,item in enumerate(symbols): fractions[i] /= tmp return np.hstack(fractions)