Source code for Chempy.plot_mcmc

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from . import localpath

[docs]def restructure_chain(directory , parameter_names = [r'$\alpha_\mathrm{IMF}$',r'$\log_{10}\left(\mathrm{N}_\mathrm{Ia}\right)$',r'$\log_{10}\left(\tau_\mathrm{Ia}\right)$',r'$\log_{10}\left(\mathrm{SFE}\right)$',r'$\log_{10}\left(\mathrm{SFR}_\mathrm{peak}\right)$',r'$\mathrm{x}_\mathrm{out}$']): ''' This function restructures the chains and blobs coming from the emcee routine so that we have a flattened posterior PDF in the end. The following files need to be there: flatchain, flatlnprobability, flatmeanposterior and flatstdposterior. flatblobs is optional INPUT: directory = name of the folder where the files are located parameter_names = the names of the parameters which where explored in the MCMC OUTPUT: a few convergence figures and arrays will be saved into directory ''' producing_positions_for_plot = True how_many_plot_samples = 100 how_many_MCMC_samples = 5000 with_blobs = True change_back = False if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) import shutil src = localpath + 'mcmc/' src_files = os.listdir(src) for file_name in src_files: full_file_name = os.path.join(src, file_name) if (os.path.isfile(full_file_name)): shutil.copy(full_file_name, directory) print('You have no mcmc folder. Copying the example from the Chempy folder.') positions = np.load('%sflatchain.npy' %(directory)) posterior = np.load('%sflatlnprobability.npy' %(directory)) mean_posterior = np.load('%sflatmeanposterior.npy' %(directory)) std_posterior = np.load('%sflatstdposterior.npy' %(directory)) if with_blobs: blobs = np.load('%sflatblobs.npy' %(directory)) #blobs = np.swapaxes(blobs,0,1) if len(blobs.shape)!=3: print('blob shape = ', blobs.shape, 'probably some runs did not return results and were stored anyway.') with_blobs = False nwalkers = positions.shape[0] dimensions = positions.shape[2] iterations = positions.shape[1] print('The chain has a length of %d iterations, each iteration having %d evaluations/walkers' %(iterations,nwalkers)) if with_blobs: assert nwalkers == blobs.shape[0] assert iterations == blobs.shape[1] blob_dimensions = blobs.shape[2] if posterior.shape[0] != positions.shape[0] or posterior.shape[1] != positions.shape[1]: raise Exception('chain and probability do not have the same number of walkers and or iterations') plt.figure(figsize=(10.69,8.27), dpi=100) plt.plot(mean_posterior+10.-np.max(mean_posterior), label= 'mean (maximum shifted to 10)') plt.plot(std_posterior, label= 'std') plt.yscale('log') plt.ylim((1.,None)) plt.title('Statistical moments of the %d walkers at each step' %(nwalkers)) plt.legend(loc = 'best') plt.grid('on') plt.savefig('%sposterior_evolution.png' %(directory)) plt.clf() #print np.mean(posterior, axis = 0)[0], np.mean(posterior, axis = 0)[-1] if True:#np.mean(posterior, axis = 0)[0] < np.mean(posterior, axis = 0)[-1]: #print 'chain is inverted' ##Sometimes the chain is stored differently depending on the system posterior = posterior[:,::-1] positions = positions[:,::-1] if with_blobs: blobs = blobs[:,::-1] print('Mean posteriors at the beginning and the end of the chain:') print(np.mean(posterior, axis = 0)[0], np.mean(posterior, axis = 0)[-1]) keeping = int(how_many_MCMC_samples / nwalkers) positions = positions[:,:keeping, :] posterior = posterior[:,:keeping] if with_blobs: blobs = blobs[:,:keeping,:] print('Mean posteriors after the burn-in tail is cut out:') print(np.mean(posterior, axis = 0)[0], np.mean(posterior, axis = 0)[-1]) ### shaping back positions = positions.reshape((-1, dimensions), order = 'F') posterior = posterior.reshape(-1, order = 'F') if with_blobs: blobs = blobs.reshape((-1, blob_dimensions), order = 'F') print('We are left with a sample of %d posterior evaluations from the converged MCMC chain' %(len(posterior))) assert np.any(np.isinf(posterior)) == False total_iterations = len(posterior) # cut = np.where(posterior==np.max(posterior)) positions_max = positions[cut] posterior_max = posterior[cut] if with_blobs: blobs_max = blobs[cut] posterior_max,indices_max = np.unique(posterior_max, return_index=True) positions_max = positions_max[indices_max] data_cut = np.max(posterior) - 15 ## throwing out very odd values cut = np.where(posterior>data_cut) positions_before = len(positions) positions = positions[cut] positions_after = len(positions) throw_out = positions_before - positions_after posterior = posterior[cut] if with_blobs: blobs = blobs[cut] print('We have %d iterations good enough posterior, their posteriors range from' %(len(posterior))) if throw_out > 0: print('%d runs of the stabilised MCMC had a posterior that was worse -15 ln' %(throw_out)) ### Drawing 100 random posterior positions if producing_positions_for_plot: random_indices = np.random.choice(a = np.arange(len(positions)),size = how_many_plot_samples,replace = False) plot_positions = positions[random_indices] plot_posterior = posterior[random_indices] if with_blobs: plot_blobs = blobs[random_indices]'%spositions_for_plotting' %(directory),plot_positions)'%sposteriorPDF' %(directory),positions)'%sposteriorvalues' %(directory),posterior)'%sblobs_distribution' %(directory),blobs) # IF ARRAYS SHOULD BE SORTED, looks better on scatter plot: if True: sorted_indices = np.argsort(posterior) posterior = posterior[sorted_indices] positions = positions[sorted_indices] if with_blobs: blobs = blobs[sorted_indices] vmax = np.max(posterior) vmin = np.min(posterior)'%sbest_parameter_values' %(directory),positions_max) print(vmax,vmin) print('Highest posterior was obtained at parameters: ', positions_max) #print 'for plotting we use the best: ',len(posterior), ' values' print('Number of unique posterior values: ', len(np.unique(posterior))) print('Inferred marginalized parameter distributions are:') x = np.array([np.mean(positions,axis = 0),np.std(positions,axis = 0)]) if with_blobs: y = np.array([np.mean(blobs,axis = 0),np.std(blobs,axis = 0)]) np.savetxt('%sparameter_moments.csv' %(directory), list(np.hstack(x.T).T), fmt='%.4f', delimiter=',') if with_blobs: np.savetxt('%slikelihood_moments.csv' %(directory), list(np.hstack(y.T).T), fmt='%.4f', delimiter=',')'%sblobs_max' %(directory), blobs_max) plt.figure(figsize=(30.69,8.27), dpi=100) #plt.plot(blobs_max, label= 'blobs of best run') plt.plot(y[0], label= 'mean blobs') plt.plot(y[1], label= 'std blobs') #plt.yscale('log') #plt.ylim((1.,None)) plt.title('Statistical moments of the blobs for the %d plot runs' %(how_many_plot_samples)) plt.legend(loc = 'best') plt.grid('on') plt.savefig('%sblobs_distribution.png' %(directory)) plt.clf()"%sparameter_names" %(directory), parameter_names) #if len(parameter_names) != dimensions: # raise Exception('parameter_names not equally numbered as parameter in chain') for j in range(dimensions): print(j, positions[:,j].mean(), '+-', positions[:,j].std()) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=dimensions+1, ncols=1,figsize=(14.69,30.27), dpi=100,sharex=True) for i in range(dimensions): axes[i].plot(positions[:,i]) axes[i].set_ylabel(i) axes[i+1].plot(posterior) axes[i+1].set_ylabel('posterior') fig.savefig("%schain.png" %(directory)) plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize=(14.69,30.27), dpi=100) plt.hist(posterior,bins=100) plt.savefig('%sposterior_histo.png' %(directory)) plt.clf() plt.close()
[docs]def plot_mcmc_chain(directory, set_scale = False, use_scale = False, only_first_star = True): ''' This routine takes the output from 'restructure_chain' function and plots the result in a corner plot set_scale and use_scale can be used to put different PDFs on the same scale, in the sense that the plot is shown with the same axis range. In the paper this is used to plot the Posterior in comparison to the prior distribution. ''' import corner plt.clf() text_size = 16 cor_text = 22 positions = np.load('%sposteriorPDF.npy' %(directory)) parameter_names = np.load("%sparameter_names.npy" %(directory)) if only_first_star: positions = positions[:,:6] parameter_names = parameter_names[:6] nparameter = len(positions[0]) cor_matrix = np.zeros(shape = (nparameter,nparameter)) for i in range(nparameter): for j in range(nparameter): cor_matrix[i,j] = np.corrcoef((positions[:,i],positions[:,j]))[1,0]'%scor_matrix' %(directory),cor_matrix) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nparameter, ncols=nparameter,figsize=(14.69,8.0), dpi=300)#,sharex=True, sharey=True) left = 0.1 # the left side of the subplots of the figure right = 0.925 # the right side of the subplots of the figure bottom = 0.075 # the bottom of the subplots of the figure top = 0.97 # the top of the subplots of the figure wspace = 0.0 # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots hspace = 0.0 # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) alpha=0.5 alpha_more = 0.8 alpha_less = 0.1 lw = 2 if set_scale: borders = [] if use_scale: borders = np.load(directory + 'prior_borders.npy', encoding='bytes', allow_pickle=True) t = 0 for i in range(nparameter): for j in range(nparameter): axes[i,j].locator_params(nbins=4) if j==1: axes[i,j].locator_params(nbins=4) if i == j: counts, edges = np.histogram(positions[:,j], bins=10) max_count = float(np.max(counts)) counts = np.divide(counts,max_count) axes[i,j].bar(edges[:-1], align='edge', height = counts, width = edges[1]-edges[0], color = 'grey', alpha = alpha, linewidth = 0, edgecolor = 'blue') if use_scale: axes[i,j].set_xlim(borders[t][0]) axes[i,j].plot( borders[t][2], borders[t][3], c="k", linestyle = '--', alpha=1, lw=lw ) t += 1 else: axes[i,j].set_xlim(min(positions[:,j]),max(positions[:,j])) axes[i,j].set_ylim(0,1.05) if j != 0: plt.setp(axes[i,j].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) if set_scale: borders.append([axes[i,j].get_xlim(),axes[i,j].get_ylim(),edges[:-1],counts]) axes[i,j].vlines(np.percentile(positions[:,j],15.865),axes[i,j].get_ylim()[0],axes[i,j].get_ylim()[1], color = 'k',alpha=alpha,linewidth = lw,linestyle = 'dashed') axes[i,j].vlines(np.percentile(positions[:,j],100-15.865),axes[i,j].get_ylim()[0],axes[i,j].get_ylim()[1], color = 'k',alpha=alpha,linewidth = lw,linestyle = 'dashed') axes[i,j].vlines(np.percentile(positions[:,j],50),axes[i,j].get_ylim()[0],axes[i,j].get_ylim()[1], color = 'k',alpha=alpha, linewidth = lw) axes[i,j].text( 0.5, 1.03, r'$%.2f_{-%.2f}^{+%.2f}$'%(np.percentile(positions[:,j],50),np.percentile(positions[:,j],50)-np.percentile(positions[:,j],15.865),np.percentile(positions[:,j],100-15.865)-np.percentile(positions[:,j],50)),fontsize=text_size, ha="center" ,transform=axes[i,j].transAxes) if i>j: if j != 0: plt.setp(axes[i,j].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) corner.hist2d(positions[:,j],positions[:,i], ax = axes[i,j],bins = 15 , levels=(1-np.exp(-0.5),1-np.exp(-2.0),1-np.exp(-4.5))) #axes[i,j].plot(positions_max[:,j],positions_max[:,i],'kx',markersize = 10,mew=2.5) #im = axes[i,j].scatter(positions[:,j],positions[:,i],c='k',edgecolor='None',s=45,marker='o',alpha=alpha_less,rasterized=True)#,vmin=0,vmax=vmax) #axes[i,j].hist2d(positions[:,j],positions[:,i],cmap = my_cmap, vmin=1) if use_scale: axes[i,j].set_xlim(borders[t][0]) axes[i,j].set_ylim(borders[t][1]) #axes[i,j].plot( borders[t][2], borders[t][3], "k",linestyle = '--', alpha=1, lw = lw ) t += 1 else: axes[i,j].set_xlim(min(positions[:,j]),max(positions[:,j])) axes[i,j].set_ylim(min(positions[:,i]),max(positions[:,i])) if set_scale: borders.append([axes[i,j].get_xlim(),axes[i,j].get_ylim(),i,j]) if j>i: correlation_coefficient = np.corrcoef((positions[:,i],positions[:,j])) axes[i,j].text( 0.6, 0.5, "%.2f"%(correlation_coefficient[1,0]),fontsize=cor_text, ha="center" ,transform=axes[i,j].transAxes) axes[i,j].axis('off') if i == nparameter-1: axes[i,j].set_xlabel(parameter_names[j]) if j == 0: axes[i,j].set_ylabel(parameter_names[i]) #if nparameter>3: # axes[0,3].set_title('vmax = %.2f, obtained at %s' %(vmax,str(positions_max))) # #axes[0,1].set_title('vmax = %.2f, obtained at %s and %d evals thrown out' %(vmax,str(positions_max),throw_out)) fig.savefig('%sparameter_space_sorted.png' %(directory),dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight') if set_scale:'%sprior_borders' %(directory), borders)
[docs]def plot_mcmc_chain_with_prior(directory, use_prior = False, only_first_star = True, plot_true_parameters = True, plot_only_SSP_parameter = True): ''' This routine takes the output from 'restructure_chain' function and plots the result in a corner plot set_scale and use_scale can be used to put different PDFs on the same scale, in the sense that the plot is shown with the same axis range. In the paper this is used to plot the Posterior in comparison to the prior distribution. ''' how_many_ssp_parameters = 3 if plot_true_parameters: true_parameters = [-2.37, -2.75, -1.2] true_parameters = np.array(true_parameters) if use_prior: from Chempy.cem_function import gaussian prior = [[-2.3, 0.3],[-2.75,0.3],[-0.8,0.3],[-0.3,0.3],[0.55,0.1],[0.5,0.1]] prior = np.array(prior) import corner plt.clf() text_size = 16 cor_text = 22 plt.rc('font', family='serif',size = text_size) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=text_size) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=text_size) plt.rc('axes', labelsize=text_size, lw=1.0) plt.rc('lines', linewidth = 1) plt.rcParams['ytick.major.pad']='8' plt.rcParams['text.latex.preamble']=[r"\usepackage{libertine}"] params = {'text.usetex' : True, 'font.size' : 10, '' : 'libertine', 'text.latex.unicode': True, } plt.rcParams.update(params) positions = np.load('%sposteriorPDF.npy' %(directory)) parameter_names = np.load("%sparameter_names.npy" %(directory)) posterior = np.load('%sposteriorvalues.npy' %(directory)) positions_max = np.load('%sbest_parameter_values.npy' %(directory)) if only_first_star: positions = positions[:,:6] parameter_names = parameter_names[:6] positions_max = positions_max[0][:6] if plot_only_SSP_parameter: positions = positions[:,:how_many_ssp_parameters] parameter_names = parameter_names[:how_many_ssp_parameters] positions_max = positions_max[:how_many_ssp_parameters] nparameter = len(positions[0]) cor_matrix = np.zeros(shape = (nparameter,nparameter)) for i in range(nparameter): for j in range(nparameter): cor_matrix[i,j] = np.corrcoef((positions[:,i],positions[:,j]))[1,0]'%scor_matrix' %(directory),cor_matrix) #fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nparameter, ncols=nparameter,figsize=(14.69,8.0), dpi=300)#,sharex=True, sharey=True) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nparameter, ncols=nparameter,figsize=(5.69,3.0), dpi=300)#,sharex=True, sharey=True) left = 0.1 # the left side of the subplots of the figure right = 0.925 # the right side of the subplots of the figure bottom = 0.075 # the bottom of the subplots of the figure top = 0.97 # the top of the subplots of the figure wspace = 0.0 # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots hspace = 0.0 # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) alpha=0.5 alpha_more = 0.8 alpha_less = 0.1 lw = 2 for i in range(nparameter): for j in range(nparameter): axes[i,j].locator_params(nbins=4) if j==1: axes[i,j].locator_params(nbins=4) if i == j: counts, edges = np.histogram(positions[:,j], bins=20) max_count = float(np.max(counts)) counts = np.divide(counts,max_count) axes[i,j].bar(edges[:-1], align='edge', height = counts, width = edges[1]-edges[0], color = 'grey', alpha = alpha, linewidth = 0, edgecolor = 'blue') if use_prior: xmin = prior[i][0]-3.5*prior[i][1] xmax = prior[i][0]+3.5*prior[i][1] x_axe = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,100) y_axe = gaussian(x_axe,prior[i][0],prior[i][1]) axes[i,j].set_xlim((xmin,xmax)) axes[i,j].plot( x_axe, y_axe/max(y_axe), c="k", linestyle = '--', alpha=1, lw=lw ) else: axes[i,j].set_xlim(min(positions[:,j]),max(positions[:,j])) axes[i,j].set_ylim(0,1.05) if j != 0: plt.setp(axes[i,j].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) axes[i,j].vlines(np.percentile(positions[:,j],15.865),axes[i,j].get_ylim()[0],axes[i,j].get_ylim()[1], color = 'k',alpha=alpha,linewidth = lw,linestyle = 'dashed') axes[i,j].vlines(np.percentile(positions[:,j],100-15.865),axes[i,j].get_ylim()[0],axes[i,j].get_ylim()[1], color = 'k',alpha=alpha,linewidth = lw,linestyle = 'dashed') axes[i,j].vlines(np.percentile(positions[:,j],50),axes[i,j].get_ylim()[0],axes[i,j].get_ylim()[1], color = 'k',alpha=alpha, linewidth = lw) axes[i,j].text( 0.5, 1.03, r'$%.2f_{-%.2f}^{+%.2f}$'%(np.percentile(positions[:,j],50),np.percentile(positions[:,j],50)-np.percentile(positions[:,j],15.865),np.percentile(positions[:,j],100-15.865)-np.percentile(positions[:,j],50)),fontsize=text_size, ha="center" ,transform=axes[i,j].transAxes) if plot_true_parameters: if i < 3: axes[i,j].vlines(true_parameters[i],axes[i,j].get_ylim()[0],axes[i,j].get_ylim()[1], color = 'r',alpha=alpha,linewidth = lw,linestyle = 'solid') if i>j: if j != 0: plt.setp(axes[i,j].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) corner.hist2d(positions[:,j],positions[:,i], ax = axes[i,j],bins = 15 , levels=(1-np.exp(-0.5),1-np.exp(-2.0),1-np.exp(-4.5))) #axes[i,j].plot(positions_max[:,j],positions_max[:,i],'kx',markersize = 10,mew=2.5) #im = axes[i,j].scatter(positions[:,j],positions[:,i],c='k',edgecolor='None',s=45,marker='o',alpha=alpha_less,rasterized=True)#,vmin=0,vmax=vmax) #axes[i,j].hist2d(positions[:,j],positions[:,i],cmap = my_cmap, vmin=1) if use_prior: xmin = prior[j][0]-3.5*prior[j][1] xmax = prior[j][0]+3.5*prior[j][1] axes[i,j].set_xlim((xmin,xmax)) a_length = 3.*prior[j][1] b_length = 3.*prior[i][1] parametric = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100) x_axis = a_length * np.cos(parametric) + prior[j][0] ymin = prior[i][0]-3.5*prior[i][1] ymax = prior[i][0]+3.5*prior[i][1] axes[i,j].set_ylim((ymin,ymax)) y_axis = b_length * np.sin(parametric) + prior[i][0] axes[i,j].plot(x_axis,y_axis, c="k", linestyle = '--', alpha=1, lw=lw) #axes[i,j].set_ylim(borders[t][1]) else: axes[i,j].set_xlim(min(positions[:,j]),max(positions[:,j])) axes[i,j].set_ylim(min(positions[:,i]),max(positions[:,i])) if plot_true_parameters: #if i < 3: # axes[i,j].hlines(true_parameters[i],axes[i,j].get_xlim()[0],axes[i,j].get_xlim()[1], color = 'r',alpha=alpha,linewidth = lw,linestyle = 'solid') #if j < 3: # axes[i,j].vlines(true_parameters[j],axes[i,j].get_ylim()[0],axes[i,j].get_ylim()[1], color = 'r',alpha=alpha,linewidth = lw,linestyle = 'solid') if i < 3 and j < 3: axes[i,j].plot(true_parameters[j],true_parameters[i], 'rx', lw = lw, alpha = 1) if j>i: correlation_coefficient = np.corrcoef((positions[:,i],positions[:,j])) axes[i,j].text( 0.6, 0.5, "%.2f"%(correlation_coefficient[1,0]),fontsize=cor_text, ha="center" ,transform=axes[i,j].transAxes) axes[i,j].axis('off') if i == nparameter-1: axes[i,j].set_xlabel(parameter_names[j]) if j == 0: axes[i,j].set_ylabel(parameter_names[i]) if nparameter>=2: axes[0,1].set_title('best posterior = %.2f, obtained at %s and %d evals (4992 total)' %(np.max(posterior),str(positions_max),len(posterior))) fig.savefig('%sparameter_space_sorted.png' %(directory),dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')
[docs]def plot_element_correlation(directory): ''' This is an experimental plotting routine. It can read the mcmc folder content and plot element / parameter / posterior correlations. For that the name-list of the blobs needs to be provided which can be generated running Chempy in the 'testing_output' mode. ''' import corner where_to_cut = 500 blobs = np.load('%sflatblobs.npy' %(directory)) positions = np.load('%sflatchain.npy' %(directory)) posterior = np.load('%sflatlnprobability.npy' %(directory)) positions = np.reshape(positions,(-1,len(positions[0,0])))[-where_to_cut:] posterior = np.hstack(posterior)[-where_to_cut:] blobs = np.swapaxes(blobs,0,1) blobs = np.reshape(blobs,(-1,len(blobs[0,0])))[-where_to_cut:] blobs = np.concatenate((blobs,positions,posterior[:,None]),axis = 1) names = ['He','C', 'N', 'O', 'F','Ne','Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'P','S', 'Ar','K', 'Ca','Ti', 'V', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'IMF', 'NIa'] # Elements of ProtoSun run names = ['m-%s' %item for item in names] names = np.append(names,'v-posterior') parameter_names = ['O','Mg','Si','Fe'] parameter_names = ['m-%s' %item for item in parameter_names] parameter_names = [names[-1]] + parameter_names parameter_names += [names[-3]] parameter_names += [names[-2]] nparameter = len(parameter_names) positions = np.zeros(shape=(len(posterior),nparameter)) #print(parameter_names) #print(names) #print(positions.shape) #print(blobs.shape) names = np.array(names) for i,item in enumerate(parameter_names): positions[:,i] = blobs[:,np.where(names == item)[0][0]] parameter_names = [item[2:] for item in parameter_names] fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nparameter, ncols=nparameter,figsize=(14.69,8.0), dpi=300)#,sharex=True, sharey=True) left = 0.1 # the left side of the subplots of the figure right = 0.925 # the right side of the subplots of the figure bottom = 0.075 # the bottom of the subplots of the figure top = 0.97 # the top of the subplots of the figure wspace = 0.0 # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots hspace = 0.0 # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) alpha=0.5 alpha_more = 0.8 alpha_less = 0.2 lw = 2 t = 0 text_size = 14 cor_text = 18 for i in range(nparameter): for j in range(nparameter): axes[i,j].locator_params(nbins=4) if j==1: axes[i,j].locator_params(nbins=4) if i == j: counts, edges = np.histogram(positions[:,j], bins=10) max_count = float(np.max(counts)) counts = np.divide(counts,max_count) axes[i,j].bar(edges[:-1], align='edge', height = counts, width = edges[1]-edges[0], color = 'grey', alpha = alpha, linewidth = 0, edgecolor = 'blue') axes[i,j].set_xlim(min(positions[:,j]),max(positions[:,j])) axes[i,j].set_ylim(0,1.05) if j != 0: plt.setp(axes[i,j].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) axes[i,j].vlines(np.percentile(positions[:,j],15.865),axes[i,j].get_ylim()[0],axes[i,j].get_ylim()[1], color = 'k',alpha=alpha,linewidth = lw,linestyle = 'dashed') axes[i,j].vlines(np.percentile(positions[:,j],100-15.865),axes[i,j].get_ylim()[0],axes[i,j].get_ylim()[1], color = 'k',alpha=alpha,linewidth = lw,linestyle = 'dashed') axes[i,j].vlines(np.percentile(positions[:,j],50),axes[i,j].get_ylim()[0],axes[i,j].get_ylim()[1], color = 'k',alpha=alpha, linewidth = lw) axes[i,j].text( 0.5, 1.03, r'$%.2f_{-%.2f}^{+%.2f}$'%(np.percentile(positions[:,j],50),np.percentile(positions[:,j],50)-np.percentile(positions[:,j],15.865),np.percentile(positions[:,j],100-15.865)-np.percentile(positions[:,j],50)),fontsize=text_size, ha="center" ,transform=axes[i,j].transAxes) if i>j: if j != 0: plt.setp(axes[i,j].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) corner.hist2d(positions[:,j],positions[:,i], ax = axes[i,j],bins = 15 , levels=(1-np.exp(-0.5),1-np.exp(-2.0),1-np.exp(-4.5))) axes[i,j].set_ylim(-0.2,0.2) if parameter_names[j] == '[He/H]': axes[i,j].set_xlim(0.01,0.06) #axes[i,j].plot(0.05,0.04,marker=r"$\odot$", mec = 'red') else: axes[i,j].set_xlim(-0.2,0.2) #axes[i,j].plot(0.04,0.04,marker=r"$\odot$", mec = 'red') axes[i,j].set_xlim(min(positions[:,j]),max(positions[:,j])) axes[i,j].set_ylim(min(positions[:,i]),max(positions[:,i])) if j>i: correlation_coefficient = np.corrcoef((positions[:,i],positions[:,j])) axes[i,j].text( 0.6, 0.5, "%.2f"%(correlation_coefficient[1,0]),fontsize=cor_text, ha="center" ,transform=axes[i,j].transAxes) axes[i,j].axis('off') if i == nparameter-1: axes[i,j].set_xlabel(parameter_names[j]) if j == 0: axes[i,j].set_ylabel(parameter_names[i]) #axes[0,3].set_title('vmax = %.2f, obtained at %s and %d evals thrown out' %(vmax,str(positions_max),throw_out)) #axes[0,1].set_title('vmax = %.2f, obtained at %s and %d evals thrown out' %(vmax,str(positions_max),throw_out)) fig.savefig('%selement_correlations.png' %(directory),dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')