.. pyphot documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Oct 5 11:25:47 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Chempy =============================================================== This package is a flexible elemental abundance fitting tool for stellar abundances. It takes nucleosynthetic yield tables from literature, integrates them over the IMF for simple stellar (SSP) populations and uses successive SSPs to integrate the chemical evolution of an open-box one-zone inter stellar medium (ISM) over time. Package main content ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This package is mostly organized around: * :class:`Chempy.wrapper.SSP_wrap` that handles the SSP enrichment. * :py:func:`Chempy.wrapper.Chempy` that handles the time-integration. Additionally, and for convenience * :py:func:`Chempy.wrapper.mcmc` can be used to infer most likely parameters. To get started with using Chempy it is strongly recommended to browse through the extensive tutorial_. .. _tutorial: https://github.com/jan-rybizki/Chempy/tree/master/tutorials Contents --------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 modules Installation ------------ * Using pip: .. code-block:: none pip install git+https://github.com/jan-rybizki/Chempy.git * Manually: .. code-block:: none git clone https://github.com/jan-rybizki/Chempy cd Chempy python setup.py intall Quick Start ~~~~~~~~~~~ Look into the very extensive jupyter tutorial_. Here is a short preview: .. _tutorial: https://github.com/jan-rybizki/Chempy/tree/master/tutorials .. code-block:: python # Loading the default parameters from Chempy.parameter import ModelParameters a = ModelParameters() # Evaluating the Chempy posterior at the maximum prior parameters from Chempy.cem_function import cem a.testing_output = True a.summary_pdf = True a.observational_constraints_index = ['gas_reservoir','sn_ratio','sol_norm'] posterior, blobs = cem(a.p0,a) ----------------- References ---------- * Chempy paper Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`