Source code for Chempy.cem_function

import numpy as np
import os
from .sfr import SFR
from .solar_abundance import solar_abundances
import time
from .data_to_test import likelihood_function, wildcard_likelihood_function, elements_plot, arcturus, sol_norm, plot_processes, save_abundances,  cosmic_abundance_standard, ratio_function, star_function, gas_reservoir_metallicity
import multiprocessing as mp
from .wrapper import initialise_stuff, Chempy
from scipy.misc import logsumexp

[docs]def gaussian_log(x,x0,xsig): ''' function to calculate the gaussian probability (its normed to Pmax and given in log) INPUT: x = where is the data point or parameter value x0 = mu xsig = sigma ''' return -np.divide((x-x0)*(x-x0),2*xsig*xsig)
[docs]def lognorm_log(x,mu,factor): ''' this function provides Prior probability distribution where the factor away from the mean behaves like the sigma deviation in normal_log for example if mu = 1 and factor = 2 for 1 it returns 0 for 0,5 and 2 it returns -0.5 for 0.25 and 4 it returns -2.0 and so forth Can be used to specify the prior on the yield factors ''' y = np.log(np.divide(x,mu)) y = np.divide(y,np.log(factor)) y = gaussian_log(y,0.,1.) return y
[docs]def gaussian(x,x0,xsig): ''' function to calculate the gaussian probability (its normed to Pmax and given in log) INPUT: x = where is the data point or parameter value x0 = mu xsig = sigma ''' factor = 1. / (np.sqrt(xsig * xsig * 2. * np.pi)) exponent = -np.divide((x - x0) * (x - x0),2 * xsig * xsig) return factor * np.exp(exponent)
[docs]def lognorm(x,mu,factor): ''' this function provides Prior probability distribution where the factor away from the mean behaves like the sigma deviation in normal_log BEWARE: this function is not a properly normalized probability distribution. It only provides relative values. INPUT: x = where to evaluate the function, can be an array mu = peak of the distribution factor = the factor at which the probability decreases to 1 sigma Can be used to specify the prior on the yield factors ''' y = np.log(np.divide(x,mu)) y = np.divide(y,np.log(factor)) y = gaussian(y,0.,1.) return y
[docs]def shorten_sfr(a): ''' This function crops the SFR to the length of the age of the star and ensures that enough stars are formed at the stellar birth epoch INPUT: a = Modelparameters OUTPUT: the function will update the modelparameters, such that the simulation will end when the star is born and it will also check whether there is enough sfr left at that epoch ''' try: star = np.load('%s.npy' %(a.stellar_identifier)) except Exception as ex: from . import localpath star = np.load(localpath + 'input/stars/' + a.stellar_identifier + '.npy') age_of_star = star['age'][0] assert (age_of_star <= 13.0), "Age of the star must be below 13Gyr" basic_sfr = SFR(a.start,a.end,a.time_steps) if a.basic_sfr_name == 'gamma_function': getattr(basic_sfr, a.basic_sfr_name)(S0 = a.S_0 * a.mass_factor,a_parameter = a.a_parameter, loc = a.sfr_beginning, scale = a.sfr_scale) elif a.basic_sfr_name == 'model_A': basic_sfr.model_A(a.mass_factor*a.S_0,a.t_0,a.t_1) elif a.basic_sfr_name == 'prescribed': basic_sfr.prescribed(a.mass_factor, a.name_of_file) elif a.basic_sfr_name == 'doubly_peaked': basic_sfr.doubly_peaked(S0 = a.mass_factor*a.S_0, peak_ratio = a.peak_ratio, decay = a.sfr_decay, t0 = a.sfr_t0, peak1t0 = a.peak1t0, peak1sigma = a.peak1sigma) = a.total_mass * np.divide(,sum( mass_normalisation = a.total_mass mean_sfr = sum( / a.end # at which time in the simulation is the star born star_time = basic_sfr.t[-1] - age_of_star cut = [np.where(np.abs(basic_sfr.t - star_time) == np.min(np.abs(basic_sfr.t - star_time)))] if len(cut[0][0]) != 1: cut = cut[0][0][0] # updating the end time and the model steps and rescale the total mass time_model = float(basic_sfr.t[cut]) a.end = time_model a.time_steps = int(cut[0][0]) + 1 a.total_mass = sum([0:a.time_steps]) # check whether the sfr is enough at end to produce reasonable number of stars (which is necessary in order to have a probability to observe a star at all) sfr_at_end = float([cut] / basic_sfr.dt) fraction_of_mean_sfr = sfr_at_end / mean_sfr assert fraction_of_mean_sfr > 0.05, ('The total SFR of the last age bin is below 5% of the mean SFR', 'stellar identifier = ', a.stellar_identifier, 'star time = ', star_time, 'model time = ', time_model ) return a
[docs]def cem(changing_parameter,a): ''' This is the function calculating the chemical evolution for a specific parameter set (changing_parameter) and for a specific observational constraint specified in a (e.g. 'solar_norm' calculates the likelihood of solar abundances coming out of the model). It returns the posterior and a list of blobs. It can be used by an MCMC. This function actually encapsulates the real cem function in order to capture exceptions and in that case return -inf. This makes the MCMC runs much more stable INPUT: changing_parameter = parameter values of the free parameters as an array a = model parameters specified in There are also the names of free parameters specified here OUTPUT: log posterior, array of blobs the blobs contain the prior values, the likelihoods and the actual values of each predicted data point (e.g. elemental abundance value) ''' try: posterior, blobs = cem_real(changing_parameter,a) return posterior, blobs except Exception as ex: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() return -np.inf, [0]
[docs]def cem_real(changing_parameter,a): ''' real chempy function. description can be found in cem ''' for i,item in enumerate(a.to_optimize): setattr(a, item, changing_parameter[i]) val = getattr(a, item) start_time = time.time() ### PRIOR calculation, values are stored in prior_names = [] prior = [] for name in a.to_optimize: (mean, std, functional_form) = a.priors.get(name) val = getattr(a, name) prior_names.append(name) if functional_form == 0: prior.append(gaussian_log(val, mean, std)) elif functional_form == 1: prior.append(lognorm_log(val, mean, std)) a.prior = prior for name in a.to_optimize: (lower, upper) = a.constraints.get(name) val = getattr(a, name) if lower is not None and val<lower: print('%s lower border is violated' %(name)) return -np.inf, [0] if upper is not None and val>upper: print('%s upper border is violated' %(name)) return -np.inf, [0] if not a.testing_output: print(changing_parameter,mp.current_process()._identity[0])#,a.observational_constraints_index else: print(changing_parameter) ### So that the parameter can be plotted in linear space if 'log10_N_0' in a.to_optimize: a.N_0 = np.power(10,a.log10_N_0) if 'log10_sn1a_time_delay' in a.to_optimize: a.sn1a_time_delay = np.power(10,a.log10_sn1a_time_delay) if 'log10_starformation_efficiency' in a.to_optimize: a.starformation_efficiency = np.power(10,a.log10_starformation_efficiency) if 'log10_gas_reservoir_mass_factor' in a.to_optimize: a.gas_reservoir_mass_factor = np.power(10,a.log10_gas_reservoir_mass_factor) if 'log10_sfr_scale' in a.to_optimize: a.sfr_scale = np.power(10,a.log10_sfr_scale) if 'log10_beta_parameter' in a.to_optimize: a.beta_error_distribution[2] = np.power(10,a.log10_beta_parameter) if a.imf_type_name == 'salpeter': a.imf_parameter = (a.high_mass_slope) elif a.imf_type_name == 'Chabrier_2': a.imf_parameter = (a.chabrier_para1, a.chabrier_para2, a.chabrier_para3,a.high_mass_slope) elif a.imf_type_name == 'Chabrier_1': a.imf_parameter = (a.chabrier_para1, a.chabrier_para2, a.high_mass_slope) elif a.imf_type_name == 'normed_3slope': a.imf_parameter = (a.imf_slope_1,a.imf_slope_2,a.high_mass_slope,a.imf_break_1,a.imf_break_2) if a.time_delay_functional_form == 'maoz': a.sn1a_parameter = [a.N_0,a.sn1a_time_delay,a.sn1a_exponent,a.dummy] elif a.time_delay_functional_form == 'normal': a.sn1a_parameter = [a.number_of_pn_exlopding,a.sn1a_time_delay,a.sn1a_timescale,a.sn1a_gauss_beginning] elif a.time_delay_functional_form == 'gamma_function': a.sn1a_parameter = [a.sn1a_norm,a.sn1a_a_parameter,a.sn1a_beginning,a.sn1a_scale] basic_solar = solar_abundances() getattr(basic_solar, a.solar_abundance_name)() elements_to_trace = a.elements_to_trace directory = 'model_temp/' ### Model is calculated if a.calculate_model: cube, abundances = Chempy(a) cube1 = cube.cube gas_reservoir = cube.gas_reservoir if a.testing_output: if os.path.exists(directory): print(directory, ' already exists. Content might be overwritten') else: os.makedirs(directory) + '%s_elements_to_trace' %(a.name_string), elements_to_trace) + '%s_gas_reservoir' %(a.name_string),gas_reservoir) + '%s_cube' %(a.name_string),cube1) + '%s_abundances' %(a.name_string),abundances) else: cube1 = np.load(directory + '%s_cube.npy' %(a.name_string)) abundances = np.load(directory + '%s_abundances.npy' %(a.name_string)) gas_reservoir = np.load(directory + '%s_gas_reservoir.npy' %(a.name_string)) elements_to_trace = np.load(directory + '%s_elements_to_trace.npy' %(a.name_string)) ### LIKELIHOOD is being calculated a.probability = [] a.abundance_list = [] a.names = [] ### these functions need to return lists of the probabilities, likelihoods and elements names. The latter ones are important for the blobs so that the MCMC result can be enriched with elemental likelihoods and the like. if 'gas_reservoir' in a.observational_constraints_index: probabilities, result, names = gas_reservoir_metallicity(a.summary_pdf,a.name_string,np.copy(abundances),np.copy(cube1),elements_to_trace,np.copy(gas_reservoir),a.number_of_models_overplotted,a.produce_mock_data,a.use_mock_data,a.error_inflation, np.copy(basic_solar.z)) a.probability.append(probabilities) a.abundance_list.append(result) a.names.append(names) if 'sn_ratio' in a.observational_constraints_index: probabilities, result, names = ratio_function(a.summary_pdf,a.name_string,np.copy(abundances),np.copy(cube1),elements_to_trace,np.copy(gas_reservoir),a.number_of_models_overplotted,a.produce_mock_data,a.use_mock_data,a.error_inflation) a.probability.append(probabilities) a.abundance_list.append(result) a.names.append(names) if 'cas' in a.observational_constraints_index: probabilities, abundance_list, element_names = cosmic_abundance_standard(a.summary_pdf,a.name_string,np.copy(abundances),np.copy(cube1),elements_to_trace,np.copy(basic_solar.table),a.number_of_models_overplotted,a.produce_mock_data,a.use_mock_data,a.error_inflation) a.probability.append(probabilities) a.abundance_list.append(abundance_list) a.names.append(element_names) if 'sol_norm' in a.observational_constraints_index: probabilities, abundance_list, element_names = sol_norm(a.summary_pdf,a.name_string,np.copy(abundances),np.copy(cube1),elements_to_trace,a.element_names,np.copy(basic_solar.table),a.number_of_models_overplotted,a.produce_mock_data,a.use_mock_data,a.error_inflation) a.probability.append(probabilities) a.abundance_list.append(abundance_list) a.names.append(element_names) if 'arcturus' in a.observational_constraints_index: probabilities, abundance_list, element_names = arcturus(a.summary_pdf,a.name_string,np.copy(abundances),np.copy(cube1),elements_to_trace,a.element_names,np.copy(basic_solar.table),a.number_of_models_overplotted,a.arcturus_age,a.produce_mock_data,a.use_mock_data,a.error_inflation) a.probability.append(probabilities) a.abundance_list.append(abundance_list) a.names.append(element_names) if 'wildcard' in a.observational_constraints_index: probabilities, abundance_list, element_names = wildcard_likelihood_function(a.summary_pdf,a.stellar_identifier, np.copy(abundances)) a.probability.append(probabilities) a.abundance_list.append(abundance_list) a.names.append(element_names) ### These functions are for plotting and saving purposes they just return 0 probability not interfering with the likelihood. But they will make the MCMC blobs crash. Therefore take them out when running the MCMC if 'stars_at_end' in a.observational_constraints_index: a.probability.append(star_function(a.summary_pdf,a.name_string,np.copy(abundances),np.copy(cube1),elements_to_trace,np.copy(gas_reservoir),a.number_of_models_overplotted)) if 'save_abundances' in a.observational_constraints_index: a.probability.append(save_abundances(a.summary_pdf,a.name_string,np.copy(abundances))) if 'plot_processes' in a.observational_constraints_index: a.probability.append(plot_processes(a.summary_pdf,a.name_string,cube.sn2_cube,cube.sn1a_cube,cube.agb_cube,a.element_names,np.copy(cube1),a.number_of_models_overplotted)) if 'elements' in a.observational_constraints_index: a.probability.append(elements_plot(a.name_string,basic_ssp.agb.elements, basic_ssp.sn2.elements, basic_ssp.sn1a.elements,elements_to_trace, basic_solar.table,60)) ### to flatten the sublists so that the likelihood can be calculated and the blobs are in a flattened format a.names = [item for sublist in a.names for item in sublist] a.names += ['m-%s' %(item) for item in a.names] a.abundance_list = [item for sublist in a.abundance_list for item in sublist] a.probability = [item for sublist in a.probability for item in sublist] a.names += prior_names if a.testing_output: #print a.names"model_temp/blobs_name_list", a.names) if np.isnan(sum(a.probability)): return -np.inf, [0] if a.testing_output: print('l: ', sum(a.probability), 'pr: ', sum(a.prior), 'po: ', sum(a.prior) + sum(a.probability))#, mp.current_process()._identity[0] else: print('l: ', sum(a.probability), 'pr: ', sum(a.prior), 'po: ', sum(a.prior) + sum(a.probability),'|', mp.current_process()._identity[0]) return sum(a.probability) + sum(a.prior), np.hstack((a.probability,a.abundance_list,a.prior))
[docs]def cem2(a): ''' This is the function calculating the chemical evolution for a specific parameter set (changing_parameter) and for a specific observational constraint specified in a (e.g. 'solar_norm' calculates the likelihood of solar abundances coming out of the model). It returns the posterior and a list of blobs. It can be used by an MCMC. This function actually encapsulates the real cem function in order to capture exceptions and in that case return -inf. This makes the MCMC runs much more stable INPUT: a = model parameters specified in and alteres by posterior_function OUTPUT: predictions, name_of_prediction the predicted element abundances for the time of the birth of the star (specified in a) are given back, as well as the corona metallicity at that time and the SN-ratio at that time. ''' try: posterior, blobs = cem_real2(a) return posterior, blobs except Exception as ex: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() return -np.inf, [0]
[docs]def cem_real2(a): ''' real chempy function. description can be found in cem2 ''' ## The time until which Chempy is calculated is cropped to the stellar birth time. Also the SFR should not be below 1/20th of the mean SFR a = shorten_sfr(a) basic_solar = solar_abundances() getattr(basic_solar, a.solar_abundance_name)() elements_to_trace = list(a.elements_to_trace) directory = 'model_temp/' ### Model is calculated if a.calculate_model: cube, abundances = Chempy(a) cube1 = cube.cube gas_reservoir = cube.gas_reservoir if a.testing_output: if os.path.exists(directory): if a.verbose: print(directory, ' already exists. Content might be overwritten') else: os.makedirs(directory) + '%s_elements_to_trace' %(a.name_string), elements_to_trace) + '%s_gas_reservoir' %(a.name_string),gas_reservoir) + '%s_cube' %(a.name_string),cube1) + '%s_abundances' %(a.name_string),abundances) else: cube1 = np.load(directory + '%s_cube.npy' %(a.name_string)) abundances = np.load(directory + '%s_abundances.npy' %(a.name_string)) gas_reservoir = np.load(directory + '%s_gas_reservoir.npy' %(a.name_string)) elements_to_trace = np.load(directory + '%s_elements_to_trace.npy' %(a.name_string)) # predicted values are written out and returned together with corona metallicity and SN-ratio abundance_list = [] for item in elements_to_trace: abundance_list.append(abundances[item][-1]) abundance_list.append(gas_reservoir['Z'][-1]) elements_to_trace.append('Zcorona') abundance_list.append(cube1['sn2'][-1]/cube1['sn1a'][-1]) elements_to_trace.append('SNratio') return(abundance_list,elements_to_trace)
[docs]def posterior_function(changing_parameter,a): ''' The posterior function is the interface between the optimizing function and Chempy. Usually the likelihood will be calculated with respect to a so called 'stellar wildcard'. Wildcards can be created according to the tutorial 6. A few wildcards are already stored in the input folder. Chempy will try the current folder first. If no wildcard npy file with the name a.stellar_identifier is found it will look into the Chempy/input/stars folder. INPUT: changing_parameter = parameter values of the free parameters as an array a = model parameters specified in There are also the names of free parameters specified here OUTPUT: log posterior, array of blobs the blobs contain the likelihoods and the actual values of each predicted data point (e.g. elemental abundance value) ''' try: posterior, blobs = posterior_function_real(changing_parameter,a) return posterior, blobs except Exception as ex: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() return -np.inf, [0]
[docs]def posterior_function_real(changing_parameter,a): ''' This is the actual posterior function. But the functionality is explained in posterior_function. ''' start_time = time.time() # the values in a are updated according to changing_parameters and the prior list is appended a = extract_parameters_and_priors(changing_parameter, a) # the log prior is calculated prior = sum(np.log(a.prior)) precalculation = time.time() #print('precalculation: ', start_time - precalculation) # The endtime is changed for the actual calculation but restored to default afterwards backup = a.end ,a.time_steps, a.total_mass if a.stellar_identifier is 'prior': likelihood = 0. abundance_list = 0 else: # call Chempy and return the abundances at the end of the simulation = time of star's birth and the corresponding element names as a list abundance_list,elements_to_trace = cem_real2(a) a.end ,a.time_steps, a.total_mass = backup # The last two entries of the abundance list are the Corona metallicity and the SN-ratio abundance_list = abundance_list[:-2] elements_to_trace = elements_to_trace[:-2] model = time.time() #print('model: ', precalculation - model) # a likelihood is calculated where the model error is optimized analytically if you do not want model error uncomment one line in the likelihood function likelihood, element_list, model_error, star_error_list, abundance_list, star_abundance_list = likelihood_function(a.stellar_identifier, abundance_list, elements_to_trace) #likelihood = 0. #abundance_list = [0] error_optimization = time.time() #print('error optimization: ', model - error_optimization) if a.verbose: if not a.testing_output: print('prior = ', prior, 'likelihood = ', likelihood, mp.current_process()._identity[0]) else: print('prior = ', prior, 'likelihood = ', likelihood) return(prior+likelihood,abundance_list)
[docs]def posterior_function_for_minimization(changing_parameter,a): ''' calls the posterior function but just returns the negative log posterior instead of posterior and blobs ''' posterior, blobs = posterior_function(changing_parameter,a) return -posterior
[docs]def posterior_function_returning_predictions(args): ''' calls the posterior function but just returns the negative log posterior instead of posterior and blobs ''' changing_parameter,a = args posterior, abundance_list, element_list = posterior_function_predictions(changing_parameter,a) return abundance_list,element_list
[docs]def posterior_function_predictions(changing_parameter,a): ''' This is like posterior_function_real. But returning the predicted elements as well. ''' start_time = time.time() # the values in a are updated according to changing_parameters and the prior list is appended a = extract_parameters_and_priors(changing_parameter, a) # the log prior is calculated prior = sum(np.log(a.prior)) precalculation = time.time() #print('precalculation: ', start_time - precalculation) # The endtime is changed for the actual calculation but restored to default afterwards backup = a.end ,a.time_steps, a.total_mass # call Chempy and return the abundances at the end of the simulation = time of star's birth and the corresponding element names as a list abundance_list,elements_to_trace = cem_real2(a) a.end ,a.time_steps, a.total_mass = backup # The last two entries of the abundance list are the Corona metallicity and the SN-ratio abundance_list = abundance_list[:-2] elements_to_trace = elements_to_trace[:-2] model = time.time() #print('model: ', precalculation - model) # a likelihood is calculated where the model error is optimized analytically if you do not want model error uncomment one line in the likelihood function likelihood, element_list, model_error, star_error_list, abundance_list, star_abundance_list = likelihood_function(a.stellar_identifier, abundance_list, elements_to_trace) #likelihood = 0. #abundance_list = [0] error_optimization = time.time() #print('error optimization: ', model - error_optimization) if a.verbose: if not a.testing_output: print('prior = ', prior, 'likelihood = ', likelihood, mp.current_process()._identity[0]) else: print('prior = ', prior, 'likelihood = ', likelihood) return(prior+likelihood,abundance_list, element_list)
[docs]def get_prior(changing_parameter, a): """ This function calculates the prior probability INPUT: changing_parameter = the values of the parameter vector a = the model parameters including the names of the parameters (which is needed to identify them with the prescribed priors in OUTPUT: the log prior is returned """ for i,item in enumerate(a.to_optimize): setattr(a, item, changing_parameter[i]) val = getattr(a, item) ### PRIOR calculation, values are stored in prior_names = [] prior = [] for name in a.to_optimize: (mean, std, functional_form) = a.priors.get(name) val = getattr(a, name) prior_names.append(name) if functional_form == 0: prior.append(gaussian(val, mean, std)) elif functional_form == 1: prior.append(lognorm(val, mean, std)) return(sum(np.log(prior)))
[docs]def global_optimization(changing_parameter, result): ''' This function is a buffer function if global_optimization_real fails and it only returns the negative posterior ''' try: posterior, error_list, elements = global_optimization_real(changing_parameter, result) return posterior except Exception as ex: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() return np.inf
[docs]def global_optimization_error_returned(changing_parameter, result): ''' this is a buffer function preventing failures from global_optimization_real and returning all its output including the best model error ''' try: posterior, error_list, elements = global_optimization_real(changing_parameter, result) return -posterior, error_list, elements except Exception as ex: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() return np.inf, [0], [0]
[docs]def global_optimization_real(changing_parameter, result): ''' This function calculates the predictions from several Chempy zones in parallel. It also calculates the likelihood for common model errors BEWARE: Model parameters are called as saved in!!! INPUT: changing_parameter = the global SSP parameters (parameters that all stars share) result = the complete parameter set is handed over as an array of shape(len(stars),len(all parameters)). From those the local ISM parameters are taken OUTPUT: -posterior = negative log posterior for all stellar zones error_list = the optimal standard deviation of the model error elements = the corresponding element symbols ''' import multiprocessing as mp import as ma from scipy.stats import beta from .cem_function import get_prior, posterior_function_returning_predictions from .data_to_test import likelihood_evaluation from .parameter import ModelParameters ## Calculating the prior a = ModelParameters() a.to_optimize = a.SSP_parameters_to_optimize prior = get_prior(changing_parameter,a) ## Handing over to posterior_function_returning_predictions parameter_list = [] p0_list = [] for i,item in enumerate(a.stellar_identifier_list): parameter_list.append(ModelParameters()) parameter_list[-1].stellar_identifier = item p0_list.append(np.hstack((changing_parameter,result[i,len(a.SSP_parameters):]))) args = zip(p0_list,parameter_list) p = mp.Pool(len(parameter_list)) t =, args) p.close() p.join() z = np.array(t) # Predictions including element symbols are returned # Reading out the wildcards elements = np.unique(np.hstack(z[:,1])) from Chempy.data_to_test import read_out_wildcard args = zip(a.stellar_identifier_list, z[:,0], z[:,1]) list_of_l_input = [] for item in args: list_of_l_input.append(read_out_wildcard(*item)) list_of_l_input[-1] = list(list_of_l_input[-1]) # Now the input for the likelihood evaluating function is almost ready # Masking the elements that are not given for specific stars and preparing the likelihood input star_errors = ma.array(np.zeros((len(elements),len(a.stellar_identifier_list))), mask = True) star_abundances = ma.array(np.zeros((len(elements),len(a.stellar_identifier_list))), mask = True) model_abundances = ma.array(np.zeros((len(elements),len(a.stellar_identifier_list))), mask = True) for star_index,item in enumerate(list_of_l_input): for element_index,element in enumerate(item[0]): assert element in elements, 'observed element is not predicted by Chempy' new_element_index = np.where(elements == element)[0][0] star_errors[new_element_index,star_index] = item[1][element_index] model_abundances[new_element_index,star_index] = item[2][element_index] star_abundances[new_element_index,star_index] = item[3][element_index] # Brute force testing of a few model errors model_errors = np.linspace(a.flat_model_error_prior[0],a.flat_model_error_prior[1],a.flat_model_error_prior[2]) if a.beta_error_distribution[0]: error_weight = beta.pdf(model_errors, a = a.beta_error_distribution[1], b = a.beta_error_distribution[2]) error_weight/= sum(error_weight) else: error_weight = np.ones_like(model_errors) * 1./float(flat_model_error_prior[2]) error_list = [] likelihood_list = [] for i,element in enumerate(elements): error_temp = [] for item in model_errors: error_temp.append(likelihood_evaluation(item, star_errors[i] , model_abundances[i], star_abundances[i])) cut = np.where(np.hstack(error_temp)==np.max(error_temp)) if len(cut) == 2: cut = cut[0][0] error_list.append(float(model_errors[cut])) ## Adding the marginalization over the model error (within the prior borders). Taking the average of the likelihoods (they are log likelihoods so exp needs to be called) if a.error_marginalization: likelihood_list.append(logsumexp(error_temp, b = error_weight)) else: if a.zero_model_error: likelihood_list.append(error_temp[0]) else: likelihood_list.append(np.max(error_temp)) error_list = np.hstack(error_list) likelihood_list = np.hstack(likelihood_list) likelihood = np.sum(likelihood_list) # returning the best likelihood together with the prior as posterior return(-(prior + likelihood), error_list, elements)
[docs]def extract_parameters_and_priors(changing_parameter, a): ''' This function extracts the parameters from changing parameters and writes them into the ModelParamaters (a), so that Chempy can evaluate the changed parameter settings ''' for i,item in enumerate(a.to_optimize): setattr(a, item, changing_parameter[i]) val = getattr(a, item) start_time = time.time() ### PRIOR calculation, values are stored in prior_names = [] prior = [] for name in a.to_optimize: (mean, std, functional_form) = a.priors.get(name) val = getattr(a, name) prior_names.append(name) if functional_form == 0: prior.append(gaussian(val, mean, std)) elif functional_form == 1: prior.append(lognorm(val, mean, std)) a.prior = prior # check the borders of the free parameters for name in a.to_optimize: (lower, upper) = a.constraints.get(name) val = getattr(a, name) if lower is not None and val<lower: assert False, '%s lower border is violated' %(name) if upper is not None and val>upper: assert False, '%s upper border is violated' %(name) if a.verbose: if not a.testing_output: print(changing_parameter,mp.current_process()._identity[0])#,a.observational_constraints_index else: print(changing_parameter) ### So that the parameter can be plotted in linear space if 'log10_N_0' in a.to_optimize: a.N_0 = np.power(10,a.log10_N_0) if 'log10_sn1a_time_delay' in a.to_optimize: a.sn1a_time_delay = np.power(10,a.log10_sn1a_time_delay) if 'log10_starformation_efficiency' in a.to_optimize: a.starformation_efficiency = np.power(10,a.log10_starformation_efficiency) if 'log10_gas_reservoir_mass_factor' in a.to_optimize: a.gas_reservoir_mass_factor = np.power(10,a.log10_gas_reservoir_mass_factor) if 'log10_sfr_scale' in a.to_optimize: a.sfr_scale = np.power(10,a.log10_sfr_scale) if 'log10_beta_parameter' in a.to_optimize: a.beta_error_distribution[2] = np.power(10,a.log10_beta_parameter) if a.imf_type_name == 'salpeter': a.imf_parameter = (a.high_mass_slope) elif a.imf_type_name == 'Chabrier_2': a.imf_parameter = (a.chabrier_para1, a.chabrier_para2, a.chabrier_para3,a.high_mass_slope) elif a.imf_type_name == 'Chabrier_1': a.imf_parameter = (a.chabrier_para1, a.chabrier_para2, a.high_mass_slope) elif a.imf_type_name == 'normed_3slope': a.imf_parameter = (a.imf_slope_1,a.imf_slope_2,a.high_mass_slope,a.imf_break_1,a.imf_break_2) if a.time_delay_functional_form == 'maoz': a.sn1a_parameter = [a.N_0,a.sn1a_time_delay,a.sn1a_exponent,a.dummy] elif a.time_delay_functional_form == 'normal': a.sn1a_parameter = [a.number_of_pn_exlopding,a.sn1a_time_delay,a.sn1a_timescale,a.sn1a_gauss_beginning] elif a.time_delay_functional_form == 'gamma_function': a.sn1a_parameter = [a.sn1a_norm,a.sn1a_a_parameter,a.sn1a_beginning,a.sn1a_scale] return(a)
[docs]def posterior_function_local_for_minimization(changing_parameter, stellar_identifier, global_parameters, errors, elements): ''' calls the local posterior function but just returns the negative log posterior instead of posterior and blobs ''' posterior, blobs = posterior_function_local(changing_parameter, stellar_identifier, global_parameters, errors, elements) return -posterior
[docs]def posterior_function_local(changing_parameter, stellar_identifier, global_parameters, errors, elements): ''' The posterior function is the interface between the optimizing function and Chempy. Usually the likelihood will be calculated with respect to a so called 'stellar wildcard'. Wildcards can be created according to the tutorial 6 from the github page. A few wildcards are already stored in the input folder. Chempy will try the current folder first. If no wildcard npy file with the name a.stellar_identifier is found it will look into the Chempy/input/stars folder. INPUT: changing_parameter = parameter values of the free parameters as an array a = model parameters specified in There are also the names of free parameters specified here global_parameters = the SSP Parameters which are fixed for this optimization but need to be handed over to Chempy anyway errors = the model error for each element elements = the corresponding names of the elements OUTPUT: log posterior, array of blobs the blobs contain the actual values of each predicted data point (e.g. elemental abundance value) ''' try: posterior, blobs = posterior_function_local_real(changing_parameter, stellar_identifier, global_parameters, errors, elements) return posterior, blobs except Exception as ex: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() return -np.inf, [0]
[docs]def posterior_function_local_real(changing_parameter, stellar_identifier, global_parameters, errors, elements): ''' This is the actual posterior function. But the functionality is explained in posterior_function. ''' from .parameter import ModelParameters a = ModelParameters() a.stellar_identifier = stellar_identifier start_time = time.time() # the values in a are updated according to changing_parameters and the prior list is appended changing_parameter = np.hstack((global_parameters,changing_parameter)) a = extract_parameters_and_priors(changing_parameter, a) # the log prior is calculated prior = sum(np.log(a.prior)) precalculation = time.time() #print('precalculation: ', start_time - precalculation) # The endtime is changed for the actual calculation but restored to default afterwards #backup = a.end ,a.time_steps, a.total_mass # call Chempy and return the abundances at the end of the simulation = time of star's birth and the corresponding element names as a list abundance_list,elements_to_trace = cem_real2(a) #a.end ,a.time_steps, a.total_mass = backup # The last two entries of the abundance list are the Corona metallicity and the SN-ratio abundance_list = abundance_list[:-2] elements_to_trace = elements_to_trace[:-2] model = time.time() #print('model: ', precalculation - model) # a likelihood is calculated where the model error is optimized analytically if you do not want model error uncomment one line in the likelihood function if a.error_marginalization: from scipy.stats import beta likelihood_list = [] model_errors = np.linspace(a.flat_model_error_prior[0],a.flat_model_error_prior[1],a.flat_model_error_prior[2]) if a.beta_error_distribution[0]: error_weight = beta.pdf(model_errors, a = a.beta_error_distribution[1], b = a.beta_error_distribution[2]) error_weight/= sum(error_weight) else: error_weight = np.ones_like(model_errors) * 1./float(flat_model_error_prior[2]) for i, item in enumerate(model_errors): error_temp = np.ones_like(errors) * item likelihood_temp, element_list, model_error, star_error_list, abundance_list_dump, star_abundance_list = likelihood_function(a.stellar_identifier, abundance_list, elements_to_trace, fixed_model_error = error_temp, elements = elements) likelihood_list.append(likelihood_temp) likelihood = logsumexp(likelihood_list, b = error_weight) abundance_list = abundance_list_dump else: if a.zero_model_error: errors = np.zeros_like(errors) likelihood, element_list, model_error, star_error_list, abundance_list, star_abundance_list = likelihood_function(a.stellar_identifier, abundance_list, elements_to_trace, fixed_model_error = errors, elements = elements) #likelihood = 0. #abundance_list = [0] error_optimization = time.time() #print('error optimization: ', model - error_optimization) if a.verbose: if not a.testing_output: print('prior = ', prior, 'likelihood = ', likelihood, mp.current_process()._identity[0]) else: print('prior = ', prior, 'likelihood = ', likelihood) return(prior+likelihood,abundance_list)
[docs]def posterior_function_many_stars(changing_parameter,error_list,elements): ''' The posterior function is the interface between the optimizing function and Chempy. Usually the likelihood will be calculated with respect to a so called 'stellar wildcard'. Wildcards can be created according to the tutorial 6. A few wildcards are already stored in the input folder. Chempy will try the current folder first. If no wildcard npy file with the name a.stellar_identifier is found it will look into the Chempy/input/stars folder. The posterior function for many stars evaluates many Chempy instances for different stars and adds up their common likelihood. The list of stars is given in under stellar_identifier_list. The names in the list must be represented by wildcards in the same folder. INPUT: changing_parameter = parameter values of the free parameters as an array error_list = the model error list for each element elements = the corresponding element symbols OUTPUT: log posterior, array of blobs the blobs contain the likelihoods and the actual values of each predicted data point (e.g. elemental abundance value) ''' try: posterior, blobs = posterior_function_many_stars_real(changing_parameter,error_list,elements) return posterior, blobs except Exception as ex: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() return -np.inf, [0]
[docs]def posterior_function_many_stars_real(changing_parameter,error_list,error_element_list): ''' This is the actual posterior function for many stars. But the functionality is explained in posterior_function_many_stars. ''' import as ma from .cem_function import get_prior, posterior_function_returning_predictions from .data_to_test import likelihood_evaluation, read_out_wildcard from .parameter import ModelParameters ## Initialising the model parameters a = ModelParameters() ## extracting from 'changing_parameters' the global parameters and the local parameters global_parameters = changing_parameter[:len(a.SSP_parameters)] local_parameters = changing_parameter[len(a.SSP_parameters):] local_parameters = local_parameters.reshape((len(a.stellar_identifier_list),len(a.ISM_parameters))) ## getting the prior for the global parameters in order to subtract it in the end for each time it was evaluated too much a.to_optimize = a.SSP_parameters_to_optimize global_parameter_prior = get_prior(global_parameters,a) ## Chempy is evaluated one after the other for each stellar identifier with the prescribed parameter combination and the element predictions for each star are stored predictions_list = [] elements_list = [] log_prior_list = [] for i, item in enumerate(a.stellar_identifier_list): b = ModelParameters() b.stellar_identifier = item changing_parameter = np.hstack((global_parameters,local_parameters[i])) args = (changing_parameter,b) abundance_list,element_list = posterior_function_returning_predictions(args) predictions_list.append(abundance_list) elements_list.append(element_list) log_prior_list.append(get_prior(changing_parameter,b)) ## The wildcards are read out so that the predictions can be compared with the observations args = zip(a.stellar_identifier_list, predictions_list, elements_list) list_of_l_input = [] for item in args: list_of_l_input.append(read_out_wildcard(*item)) list_of_l_input[-1] = list(list_of_l_input[-1]) ## Here the predictions and observations are brought into the same array form in order to perform the likelihood calculation fast elements = np.unique(np.hstack(elements_list)) # Masking the elements that are not given for specific stars and preparing the likelihood input star_errors = ma.array(np.zeros((len(elements),len(a.stellar_identifier_list))), mask = True) star_abundances = ma.array(np.zeros((len(elements),len(a.stellar_identifier_list))), mask = True) model_abundances = ma.array(np.zeros((len(elements),len(a.stellar_identifier_list))), mask = True) for star_index,item in enumerate(list_of_l_input): for element_index,element in enumerate(item[0]): assert element in elements, 'observed element is not predicted by Chempy' new_element_index = np.where(elements == element)[0][0] star_errors[new_element_index,star_index] = item[1][element_index] model_abundances[new_element_index,star_index] = item[2][element_index] star_abundances[new_element_index,star_index] = item[3][element_index] ## given model error from error_list is read out and brought into the same element order (compatibility between python 2 and 3 makes the decode method necessary) if not a.error_marginalization: error_elements_decoded = [] for item in error_element_list: error_elements_decoded.append(item.decode('utf8')) error_element_list = np.hstack(error_elements_decoded) error_list = np.hstack(error_list) model_error = [] for element in elements: assert element in error_element_list, 'for this element the model error was not given, %s' %(element) model_error.append(error_list[np.where(error_element_list == element)]) model_error = np.hstack(model_error) ## likelihood is calculated (the model error vector is expanded) if a.error_marginalization: from scipy.stats import beta likelihood_list = [] model_errors = np.linspace(a.flat_model_error_prior[0],a.flat_model_error_prior[1],a.flat_model_error_prior[2]) if a.beta_error_distribution[0]: error_weight = beta.pdf(model_errors, a = a.beta_error_distribution[1], b = a.beta_error_distribution[2]) error_weight/= sum(error_weight) else: error_weight = np.ones_like(model_errors) * 1./float(flat_model_error_prior[2]) for i, item in enumerate(model_errors): error_temp = np.ones(len(elements)) * item likelihood_list.append(likelihood_evaluation(error_temp[:,None], star_errors , model_abundances, star_abundances)) likelihood = logsumexp(likelihood_list, b = error_weight) else: if a.zero_model_error: model_error = np.zeros_like(model_error) likelihood = likelihood_evaluation(model_error[:,None], star_errors , model_abundances, star_abundances) ## Prior from all stars is added prior = sum(log_prior_list) ## Prior for global parameters is subtracted prior -= (len(a.stellar_identifier_list)-1) * global_parameter_prior posterior = prior+likelihood assert np.isnan(posterior) == False, ('returned posterior = ', posterior , 'prior = ' , prior, 'likelihood = ', likelihood, 'changing parameter = ', changing_parameter ) ######## if a.verbose: print('prior = ', prior, 'likelihood = ', likelihood) return(posterior,model_abundances)