Source code for Chempy.parameter

import numpy as np

[docs]class ModelParameters(object): ''' In this class the model parameters are specified. It contains a lot of information which is (not always) necessary to run Chempy. The individual definitions are given as comments. ''' # Which zero point of abundances shall be used. Asplund 2005 is corrected to VESTA abundances solar_abundance_name_list = ['Lodders09','Asplund09','Asplund05_pure_solar','Asplund05_apogee_correction', 'AG89'] solar_abundance_name_index = 1 solar_abundance_name = solar_abundance_name_list[solar_abundance_name_index] # Observational constraints #stellar_identifier_list = ['Proto-sun', 'Arcturus', 'B-stars'] #stellar_identifier_list = ['2M01233744+3414451', '2M02484368+3106550', '2M05510326+1129561', '2M09031459+0648573', '2M09422500+4846338', '2M02011031+2426397', '2M09055837+0505324', '2M20092234+5601366'] #indices = [78,130,122,156,113,34, 128,167] # low alpha sequence #indices = [0, 163, 27, 98, 95, 17, 71, 79] # random #indices = [158, 24, 152, 56, 100, 21, 17, 126] # This is the list for middle alpha sequence #indices = [147, 0, 3, 128, 1, 156, 113, 110] # extremes in alpha over iron space #indices = [85, 94, 15, 110, 30, 11, 7, 3] # high alpha sequence #indices = [78,130,122,156,113,34, 128,167,85, 94, 15, 110, 30, 11, 7, 3] #low alpha + high alpha #indices = [0, 163, 27, 98, 95, 17, 71, 79, 78,130,122,156,113,34, 128,167,85, 94, 15, 110, 30, 11, 7, 3] #low alpha + high alpha + random #stellar_identifier_list = [] #for item in indices: # stellar_identifier_list.append("Rob_%d" %item) #stellar_identifier_list = ['Proto-sun', 'Arcturus', 'B-stars'] # 'prior' can be used as stellar_identifier, then the prior will be sampled with Chempy.wrapper.mcmc() routine stellar_identifier_list = ['Proto-sun'] stellar_identifier = 'Proto-sun' # Convergense parameters of minimization and MCMC maxiter_minimization = 500 min_mcmc_iterations = 300 mcmc_tolerance = 0.5 gibbs_sampler_tolerance = 1e-1 gibbs_sampler_maxiter = 10 tol_minimization = 1e-1 nwalkers = 64 mburn = 1 save_state_every = 1 m = 1000 # For 7 free parameters 300 iterations are usually enough. The mcmc routine is stopping after 300 if the posterior mean is converged for more than 200 iterations. error_marginalization = True # Marginalizing over the model error or using the best model error value flat_model_error_prior = [0.,1.,51] # Flat prior for the error marginalization [begin, end, number of evaluations inbetween] beta_error_distribution = [True, 1, 10] # Instead of a flat prior for the error marginalization we use a beta distribution with a = 1 and b = 3 as default (wikipedia and scipy have the same parametrization) putting more weight to small model errors zero_model_error = False # a boolean that can be used to restore the old Chempy behaviour of 0 model error, will only work if error_marginalization is set to False send_email = False verbose = 0 # Time discretization, so far only linear time-steps are implemented start = 0 # birth of disc, always set to 0 end = 13.5 time_steps = 28#541#241#35#1401 total_mass = 1#45.07 stochastic_IMF = False number_of_models_overplotted = 1 ### with the positions from an mcmc run testing_output = False summary_pdf = False name_string = 'Chempy_default' parameter_names = [r'$\alpha_\mathrm{IMF}$',r'$\log_{10}\left(\mathrm{N}_\mathrm{Ia}\right)$',r'$\log_{10}\left(\tau_\mathrm{Ia}\right)$',r'$\log_{10}\left(\mathrm{SFE}\right)$',r'$\log_{10}\left(\mathrm{SFR}_\mathrm{peak}\right)$',r'$\mathrm{x}_\mathrm{out}$'] # SFR still model A from Just&Jahreiss 2010 should be changed # arbitrary function can be implemented here basic_sfr_name_list = ['model_A','gamma_function','prescribed', 'doubly_peaked'] basic_sfr_index = 1 basic_sfr_name = basic_sfr_name_list[basic_sfr_index] if basic_sfr_name == 'model_A': mass_factor = 1. S_0 = 45.07488 t_0 = 5.6 t_1 = 8.2 elif basic_sfr_name == 'gamma_function': mass_factor = 1. S_0 = 1#45.07488 a_parameter = 2 sfr_beginning = 0 sfr_scale = 3.5 # SFR peak in Gyr for a = 2 elif basic_sfr_name == 'prescribed': mass_factor = 1. name_of_file = 'input/Daniel_Weisz/' elif basic_sfr_name == 'doubly_peaked': mass_factor = 1. S_0 = 45.07488 peak_ratio = 0.8 sfr_decay = 3.5 sfr_t0 = 2. peak1t0 = 0.8 peak1sigma = 0.8 basic_infall_name_list = ["exponential","constant","sfr_related","peaked_sfr","gamma_function"] basic_infall_index = 2 basic_infall_name = basic_infall_name_list[basic_infall_index] starformation_efficiency = 0. gas_power = 0. if basic_infall_name == 'sfr_related': starformation_efficiency = np.power(10,-0.3) gas_power = 1.0 if basic_infall_name == 'exponential': infall_amplitude = 10 # not needed just a dummy tau_infall = -0.15 infall_time_offset = 0 c_infall = -1. norm_infall = 0.9 if basic_infall_name == 'gamma_function': norm_infall = 1.0 # not needed just a dummy infall_a_parameter = 2 infall_beginning = 0 infall_scale = 3.3 yield_table_name_sn2_list = ['chieffi04','Nugrid','Nomoto2013','Portinari', 'chieffi04_net', 'Nomoto2013_net'] yield_table_name_sn2_index = 2 yield_table_name_sn2 = yield_table_name_sn2_list[yield_table_name_sn2_index] yield_table_name_hn_list = ['Nomoto2013'] yield_table_name_hn_index = 0 yield_table_name_hn = yield_table_name_hn_list[yield_table_name_hn_index] ##### Karakas2016 needs much more calculational resources (order of magnitude) using 2010 net yields from Karakas are faster and only N is significantly underproduced yield_table_name_agb_list = ['Karakas','Nugrid','Karakas_net_yield','Ventura','Karakas16_net'] yield_table_name_agb_index = 2 yield_table_name_agb = yield_table_name_agb_list[yield_table_name_agb_index] yield_table_name_1a_list = ['Iwamoto','Thielemann','Seitenzahl'] yield_table_name_1a_index = 2 yield_table_name_1a = yield_table_name_1a_list[yield_table_name_1a_index] mmin = 0.1 mmax = 100 mass_steps = 5000 #2000 # 200000 imf_type_name_list = ['normed_3slope','Chabrier_1','Chabrier_2','salpeter','BrokenPowerLaw'] imf_type_index = 1 imf_type_name = imf_type_name_list[imf_type_index] if imf_type_name == 'Chabrier_2': chabrier_para1 = 22.8978 chabrier_para2 = 716.4 chabrier_para3 = 0.25 high_mass_slope = -2.3 imf_parameter = (22.8978, 716.4, 0.25,-2.29) if imf_type_name == 'Chabrier_1': chabrier_para1 = 0.69 chabrier_para2 = 0.079 high_mass_slope = -2.29 imf_parameter = (0.69, 0.079, -2.29) if imf_type_name == 'salpeter': imf_slope = 2.35 imf_parameter = (2.35) if imf_type_name == 'BrokenPowerLaw': imf_break_1 = 0.5 imf_break_2 = 1.39 imf_break_3 = 6 imf_slope_1 = -1.26 imf_slope_2 = -1.49 imf_slope_3 = -3.02 imf_slope_4 = -2.3 imf_parameter = ((0.5,1.39,6),(-1.26,-1.49,-3.02,-2.3)) if imf_type_name == 'normed_3slope': imf_break_1 = 0.5 imf_break_2 = 1.0 imf_slope_1 = -1.3 imf_slope_2 = -2.3 imf_slope_3 = -2.29 imf_parameter = (imf_slope_1,imf_slope_2,imf_slope_3,imf_break_1,imf_break_2) name_infall_list = ['primordial','solar','simple','alpha'] name_infall_index = 1 name_infall = name_infall_list[name_infall_index] interpolation_list = ['linear','logarithmic'] interpolation_index = 1 interpolation_scheme = interpolation_list[interpolation_index] ## could be a variant to change the interpolation scheme stellar_lifetimes_list = ['Argast_2000','Raiteri_1996'] stellar_lifetimes_index = 0 stellar_lifetimes = stellar_lifetimes_list[stellar_lifetimes_index] ## which stellar lifetime approximation to use sn2_to_hn = 1. sn2mmin = 8. sn2mmax = 100. bhmmin = float(sn2mmax) ## maximum of hypernova bhmmax = float(mmax) ## maximum of the IMF percentage_of_bh_mass = 0.25 # the rest 75% will be given back to the ISM with the abundances from the step before agbmmin = 0.5 agbmmax = 8 sagbmmin = float(agbmmax) sagbmmax = float(sn2mmin) percentage_to_remnant = 0.13 # see Kobayashi 2011 the remnant mass is about 13% time_delay_functional_form_list = ['normal','maoz','gamma_function'] time_delay_index = 1 time_delay_functional_form = time_delay_functional_form_list[time_delay_index] if time_delay_functional_form == 'maoz': N_0 = np.power(10,-2.75) sn1a_time_delay = np.power(10,-0.8) sn1a_exponent = 1.12 dummy = 0.0 sn1a_parameter = [N_0,sn1a_time_delay,sn1a_exponent,dummy] if time_delay_functional_form == 'normal': number_of_pn_exlopding = 0.003 sn1a_time_delay = 1. sn1a_timescale = 3.2 sn1a_gauss_beginning = 0.25 sn1a_parameter = [number_of_pn_exlopding,sn1a_time_delay,sn1a_timescale,sn1a_gauss_beginning] if time_delay_functional_form == 'gamma_function': sn1a_norm = 0.0024 #number of sn1a exploding within end of simulation time per 1Msun sn1a_a_parameter = 1.3 sn1a_beginning = 0 sn1a_scale = 3 sn1a_parameter = [sn1a_norm,sn1a_a_parameter,sn1a_beginning,sn1a_scale] sn1ammin = 1#float(agbmmin) #Maoz Timedelay should be independent of sn1a_mmin and sn1a_mmax. N_0 just determines the number of SN1a exploding per 1Msun over the time of 15Gyr sn1ammax = 8#float(sagbmmax) gas_at_start = 0. #*dt yields the Msun/pc^2 value gas_reservoir_mass_factor = np.power(10,0.0)#3.0 sfr_factor_for_cosmic_accretion = 1. cosmic_accretion_elements = ['H','He'] cosmic_accretion_element_fractions = [0.76,0.24] outflow_feedback_fraction = 0.5 ## various output modes check_processes = False only_net_yields_in_process_tables = True calculate_model = True #just loading the outcome of the last ssp if False ####### Evaluate model element_names = ['He','C', 'N', 'O', 'F','Ne','Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'P','S', 'Ar','K', 'Ca','Ti', 'V', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni']#, 'Zn','Y', 'Ba']# Runs with sun elements_to_trace = ['Al', 'Ar', 'B', 'Be', 'C', 'Ca', 'Cl', 'Co', 'Cr', 'Cu', 'F', 'Fe', 'Ga', 'Ge', 'H', 'He', 'K', 'Li', 'Mg', 'Mn', 'N', 'Na', 'Ne', 'Ni', 'O', 'P', 'S', 'Sc', 'Si', 'Ti', 'V', 'Zn'] #observational_constraints_index = ['sol_norm']#['gas_reservoir','sn_ratio','sol_norm']#,'wildcard ','cas','arcturus','stars_at_end', 'plot_processes', 'save_abundances', 'elements'] arcturus_age = 7.1# 7.1 +1.5 -1.2 produce_mock_data = False use_mock_data = False error_inflation = 1. # If some parameter is in to optimise there needs to be a prior and constraints defined if True: #prior SSP_parameters = [-2.29 ,-2.75 ,-0.8]#, -0.8 ]#,0.2]#, 0.7, 0.3, 0.0] SSP_parameters_to_optimize = ['high_mass_slope', 'log10_N_0','log10_sn1a_time_delay'] #,'log10_beta_parameter' ]#,'log10_sfr_factor_for_cosmic_accretion']#,'log10_gas_reservoir_mass_factor','log10_a_parameter','log10_gas_power'] else: SSP_parameters = [] SSP_parameters_to_optimize = [] assert len(SSP_parameters) == len(SSP_parameters_to_optimize) if True: #prior ISM_parameters = [-0.3, 0.55, 0.5]#, 0.3]#,0.2]#, 0.7, 0.3, 0.0] ISM_parameters_to_optimize = ['log10_starformation_efficiency', 'log10_sfr_scale', 'outflow_feedback_fraction']#,'log10_gas_reservoir_mass_factor']#,'log10_sfr_factor_for_cosmic_accretion']#,'log10_gas_reservoir_mass_factor','log10_a_parameter','log10_gas_power'] else: ISM_parameters = [] ISM_parameters_to_optimize = [] assert len(ISM_parameters) == len(ISM_parameters_to_optimize) p0 = np.hstack((SSP_parameters,ISM_parameters)) to_optimize = np.array(SSP_parameters_to_optimize + ISM_parameters_to_optimize) ndim = len(to_optimize) constraints = { 'log10_beta_parameter' : (0,None), 'high_mass_slope' : (-4.,-1.), 'log10_N_0' : (-5,-1), 'log10_sn1a_time_delay' : (-3,1.), 'log10_starformation_efficiency' : (-3,2), 'log10_sfr_scale' : (-1,1), 'sfr_scale' : (0.0,None), 'outflow_feedback_fraction' : (0.,1.), 'log10_gas_reservoir_mass_factor': (None,None), 'N_0' : (0.,1.), 'sn1a_time_delay' : (0.,end), 'a_parameter' : (0.,None), 'starformation_efficiency' : (0.,None), 'gas_power': (1.,2.), 'log10_a_parameter' : (None,None), 'log10_gas_power' : (None,None), 'log10_gas_reservoir_mass_factor': (None,None), 'log10_sfr_factor_for_cosmic_accretion': (None,None), 'mass_factor' : (0,None), 'norm_infall' : (0.,2.), 'tau_infall' : (None,None), 'c_infall' : (None,None), 'gas_at_start' : (0.,2.), 'gas_reservoir_mass_factor' : (0.,20.), 'infall_scale' : (0.0,end), 'sn1a_norm' : (0.,None), 'sn1a_scale' : (0.,None), } # the prior entry is (mean,std,0) # functional form 0 is a gaussian with log values and 1 is for fractions where the sigma distances are in factors from the mean (see # for functional form 1 read (mean,factor,1) priors = { ## gaussian priors 'log10_beta_parameter' : (1.0,0.5,0), 'high_mass_slope' : (-2.3,0.3,0), 'log10_N_0' : (-2.75,0.3,0), 'log10_sn1a_time_delay' : (-0.8,0.3,0), 'log10_starformation_efficiency' : (-0.3,0.3,0), 'log10_sfr_scale' : (0.55,0.1,0), 'sfr_scale' : (3.5,1.5,0), 'outflow_feedback_fraction' : (0.5,0.1,0), 'log10_gas_reservoir_mass_factor' : (0.3,0.3,0), 'a_parameter' : (3.,3.,0), 'infall_scale' : (3.3,0.5,0), 'gas_power': (1.5,0.2,0), 'log10_sfr_factor_for_cosmic_accretion': (0.2,0.3,0), 'log10_a_parameter' : (0.3,0.2,0), 'log10_gas_power' : (0,0.15,0), ## Priors on factors 'starformation_efficiency' : (0.5,3.,1), 'mass_factor' : (1.,1.2,1), 'norm_infall' : (1.,1.2,1), 'sn1a_time_delay' : (0.3,3.,1), 'N_0' : (0.001,3.,1), 'gas_at_start' : (0.1,2.,1), 'gas_reservoir_mass_factor' : (3.,2.,1), }