Source code for

import numpy as np
[docs]class SFR(object): ''' The SFR class holds the star formation history and the time-steps of Chempy ''' def __init__(self,start,end,time_steps): ''' Upon initialization the time steps need to be provided INPUT: start = beginning of the simulation end = end of the simulation time_steps = number of time_steps OUTPUT: dt, timespan and t will be exposed by the class. ''' self.start = start self.end = end self.time_steps = time_steps self.t = np.linspace(self.start, self.end, self.time_steps) self.dt = self.t[1]-self.t[0] self.timespan = self.end - self.start
[docs] def model_A(self,S0 = 45.07488,t0 = 5.6,t1 = 8.2): ''' This was the method to load the Just Jahreiss 2010 Model A from txt ''' #Model A SFR from Just & Jahreiss 2010 ## this function can be used to read in the model A at different radii def read_model(time,r): radius = sum(r) * 0.5 list_of_radii = np.array([4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]) radius = list_of_radii[np.where(np.abs(list_of_radii-radius)==np.min(np.abs(list_of_radii-radius)))][0] age_column = 'sfr_' + str(radius) x = np.genfromtxt('input/model/SFR_1.txt', names = True) time_model = x['timeGyr'] age_distribution_model = x[age_column] return np.interp(time,time_model,age_distribution_model) = (self.t + t0)/(self.t**2 + t1**2)**2 = np.divide(,sum(,self.dt)*S0))
[docs] def doubly_peaked(self,S0 = 45.07488, peak_ratio = 1., decay = 2., t0 = 2., peak1t0 = 0.5, peak1sigma = 0.5): ''' a doubly peaked SFR with quite a few parameters ''' from scipy import signal from scipy.stats import norm, expon peak1 = norm.pdf(self.t,loc = peak1t0, scale = peak1sigma) peak1 = peak_ratio * np.divide(peak1,sum(peak1)) peak2 = expon.pdf(self.t,loc = t0,scale = decay) peak2 = np.divide(peak2,sum(peak2)) sig = peak1 + peak2 = sig = np.divide(,sum(,self.dt)*S0))
[docs] def gamma_function(self,S0 = 45.07488,a_parameter = 2, loc = 0, scale = 3): ''' the gamma function for a_parameter = 2 and loc = 0 produces a peak at scale so we have a two parameter sfr. Later we can also release a to have a larger diversity in functional form. ''' from scipy.stats import gamma = gamma.pdf(self.t,a_parameter,loc,scale)[np.where( == 0.)] = np.min([np.where( != 0.)])*0.01 ## So that no 0 sfr is there because sfr-related infall prescription fails in that case = np.divide(,sum(,self.dt)*S0))
[docs] def prescribed(self, mass_factor,name_of_file): ''' a method to read in prescribed SFR from textfile x time is given in log years. our time is in linear Gyrs ''' x = np.genfromtxt(name_of_file, names = True) x['time_l'] = np.power(10,x['time_l']) x['time_u'] = np.power(10,x['time_u']) total_sfr = [] for i in range(len(x)): total_sfr.append((x['time_u'][i] - x['time_l'][i]) * x['SFR'][i]) total_sfr = sum(total_sfr) time_temp = np.linspace(x['time_l'][0],x['time_u'][-1],10000) sfr = np.zeros_like(time_temp) for i in range(len(x)): sfr[np.where(np.logical_and(time_temp>=x['time_l'][i],time_temp<x['time_u'][i]))] = x['SFR'][i] = np.interp(self.t,time_temp/1e9,sfr) = np.divide( * total_sfr, sum([::-1] /= 10000