Source code for Chempy.time_integration

import numpy as np 

[docs]class ABUNDANCE_MATRIX(object): ''' This class contains all information necessary to characterize the chemical evolution of the open-box one-zone Chempy model. It calculates the mass flow between the different components. And can advance the chemical evolution when the enrichment from the SSP is provided. ''' def __init__(self, time, sfr, infall, list_of_elements,infall_symbols,infall_fractions,gas_at_start,gas_at_start_symbols,gas_at_start_fractions,gas_reservoir_mass_factor,outflow_feedback_fraction,check_processes,starformation_efficiency,gas_power, sfr_factor_for_cosmic_accretion, cosmic_accretion_elements, cosmic_accretion_element_fractions): ''' Upon initialization the provided information is stored and initial conditions as provided by the other chempy classes are calculated. The class assigns all the information into different tables that can be queeried. Most importantly self.cube contains the ISM evolution self.gas_reservoir the corona evolution and self.sn2/sn1a/agb_feedback the enrichment from the individual nucleosynthetic processes. INPUT: time = the time-steps sfr = the corresponding star formation rate infall = the infall at that time (can be 0 when 'sfr_related' is chosen) list_of_elements = which elements to trace (a list of Symbols) infall_symbols = list of element symbols for the infall infall_fractions = the corresponding elemental fractions gas_at_start = how much gas at start do we have (default = 0) gas_at_start_symbols = list of elements at beginnin gas_at_start_fractions = the corresponding fractions gas_reservoir_mass_factor = how much more mass does the corona has compared to the integrated SFR outflow_feedback_fraction = how much enrichment goes into the corona (in fraction, the rest goes into the ISM) check_processes = boolean, should the individual nucleosynthetic processes be tracked (usually not necessary during the MCMC but useful when exporing a single parameter configuration) starformation_efficiency = the SFE for a linear Kennicut-Schmidt law gas_power = The Schmidt_exponent (default = 1, i.e. linear) sfr_factor_for_cosmic_accretion = how much more gas should be infalling in the corona compared to the SFR cosmic_accretion_elements = element list of this cosmic infall cosmic_accretion_element_fractions = the corresponding fractions (all element fractions are usually primordial) OUTPUT: a few structured arrays will be created most notably: .cube = ISM evolution .gas_reservoir = corona evolution .sn2_feedback = CC-SN feedback .sn1a_feedback = SN Ia feedback .agb_feedback = AGB feedback ''' self.time = time self.dt = time[1] - time[0] = sfr#np.divide(sfr,sum(sfr))[0] = 0.41 self.infall = infall self.elements = list_of_elements self.additional = ['sfr','infall','time','feedback','mass_in_remnants','stars','gas','Z','alpha','sn1a','sn2','pn','bh','hn'] self.names = self.additional + self.elements self.base = np.zeros(len(time)) self.infall_symbols = infall_symbols self.infall_fractions = infall_fractions ## fractions of the corona gas (gas reservoir) at start self.gas_at_start = gas_at_start * sum(sfr)#*self.dt #now normalised to total sfr#* (1./self.dt) self.gas_at_start_symbols = gas_at_start_symbols self.gas_at_start_fractions = gas_at_start_fractions ## fractions of the ISM at start self.outflow_feedback_fraction = outflow_feedback_fraction self.check_processes = check_processes self.starformation_efficiency = starformation_efficiency * self.dt self.gas_power = gas_power self.sfr_factor_for_cosmic_accretion = sfr_factor_for_cosmic_accretion self.cosmic_accretion_elements = cosmic_accretion_elements self.cosmic_accretion_element_fractions = cosmic_accretion_element_fractions ## fractions of the cosmic inflow into the corona gas (is the same at all times) list_of_arrays = [] for i in range(len(list_of_elements)+len(self.additional)): list_of_arrays.append(self.base) self.cube = np.core.records.fromarrays(list_of_arrays,names=self.names) if self.check_processes: self.process_feedback_names = ['kinetic_energy','number_of_events','mass_in_remnants', 'unprocessed_ejecta'] + self.elements self.sn2_cube = np.core.records.fromarrays(list_of_arrays,names=self.process_feedback_names) self.sn1a_cube = np.core.records.fromarrays(list_of_arrays,names=self.process_feedback_names) self.agb_cube = np.core.records.fromarrays(list_of_arrays,names=self.process_feedback_names) self.bh_cube = np.core.records.fromarrays(list_of_arrays,names=self.process_feedback_names) self.gas_reservoir = np.core.records.fromarrays(list_of_arrays,names=self.names) # Setting up the table for the gas and feedback composition self.cube['time'] = time self.cube['sfr'] = sfr if gas_at_start >= 0.00000001: self.cube['gas'][0] = self.gas_at_start for i,item in enumerate(self.gas_at_start_symbols): self.cube[item][0] = self.gas_at_start_fractions[i]*self.cube['gas'][0] self.cube['infall'] = infall if self.starformation_efficiency != 0.: ''' this applies when using the Kennicut-Schmidt law (infall = 'sfr-related'): Infall at start is overwritten to the value required by the sfr with a specific starformation efficiency and infall should at least be as big as sfr ''' gas_needed = max([0] * 1.0000001 ,np.power([0] / float(self.starformation_efficiency), 1./float(self.gas_power) )) ## the factor 1.00000001 is added because otherwise no mass for mixing will be left resulting in errors self.cube['infall'][0] = gas_needed self.infall[0] = gas_needed # NEW PRESCRIPTION (separating the abundance fractions from infall and sfr such that first infall occurs and then stars are formed from that material for i,item in enumerate(self.infall_symbols): self.cube[item][0] += self.infall_fractions[i]*self.infall[0] self.cube['gas'][0] += self.infall[0] gas_mass_temp = float(self.cube['gas'][0]) for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): if gas_mass_temp == 0.: self.cube[item][0] = 0. assert[0] == 0. else: self.cube[item][0] -= (self.cube[item][0]/gas_mass_temp)*[0] self.cube['gas'][0] -=[0] self.cube['stars'][0] =[0] self.cube['feedback'][0] = 0. self.cube['mass_in_remnants'][0] = 0. self.gas_reservoir['infall'] = self.infall self.gas_reservoir['time'] = self.time self.gas_reservoir['sfr'] = cosmic_inflow =[0] * self.sfr_factor_for_cosmic_accretion self.gas_reservoir['gas'][0] = cosmic_inflow for i,item in enumerate(self.cosmic_accretion_elements): self.gas_reservoir[item][0] = self.cosmic_accretion_element_fractions[i] * cosmic_inflow starting_gas = sum( * gas_reservoir_mass_factor - self.infall[0] self.gas_reservoir['gas'][0] += starting_gas for i,item in enumerate(self.infall_symbols): self.gas_reservoir[item][0] += self.infall_fractions[i] * starting_gas for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): if item not in ['H','He']: self.cube['Z'][0] += self.cube[item][0] self.gas_reservoir['Z'][0] += self.gas_reservoir[item][0] self.cube['Z'][0] = self.cube['Z'][0] / self.cube['gas'][0] self.gas_reservoir['Z'][0] = self.gas_reservoir['Z'][0] / self.gas_reservoir['gas'][0] self.cube['alpha'][0] = 0 self.all_feedback_names = ['mass_in_remnants','sn1a','sn2','pn','bh'] + self.elements base = np.zeros((len(self.time),len(self.time))) list_of_arrays = [] for i in range(len(self.all_feedback_names)): list_of_arrays.append(base) self.all_feedback = np.core.records.fromarrays(list_of_arrays,names=self.all_feedback_names) if self.check_processes: base = np.zeros((len(self.time),len(self.time))) list_of_arrays = [] for i in range(len(self.process_feedback_names)): list_of_arrays.append(base) self.sn2_feedback = np.core.records.fromarrays(list_of_arrays,names=self.process_feedback_names) self.sn1a_feedback = np.core.records.fromarrays(list_of_arrays,names=self.process_feedback_names) self.agb_feedback = np.core.records.fromarrays(list_of_arrays,names=self.process_feedback_names) self.bh_feedback = np.core.records.fromarrays(list_of_arrays,names=self.process_feedback_names)
[docs] def advance_one_step(self,index,ssp_yield,sn2_yield,agb_yield,sn1a_yield,bh_yield): ''' This method advances the chemical evolution one time-step. INPUT: index = which time step should be filled up ssp_yield = yield of the ssp sn2_yield = yield of sn2 only agb_yield = yield of agb only sn1a_yield = yield of sn1a only bh_yield = yield of bh only ''' ### This aligns the SSP yield such that it becomes a simple vector multiplication with a little memory overhead # self.all_feedback has the following data structure: [element][time_index_of_the_born_ssp][time_index_of_this_ssp_giving_back_the_elements_mass] for i,item in enumerate(self.all_feedback_names): self.all_feedback[item][index-1][index-1:] = ssp_yield[item] if self.check_processes: for i,item in enumerate(self.process_feedback_names): self.sn2_feedback[item][index-1][index-1:] = sn2_yield[item] self.sn1a_feedback[item][index-1][index-1:] = sn1a_yield[item] self.agb_feedback[item][index-1][index-1:] = agb_yield[item] self.bh_feedback[item][index-1][index-1:] = bh_yield[item] feedback_mass = [] for i,item in enumerate(self.all_feedback_names): tmp =[:index] * self.all_feedback[item][:index,index] self.cube[item][index] = self.cube[item][index-1] + (1. - self.outflow_feedback_fraction) * sum(tmp) if item not in ['mass_in_remnants','sn1a','sn2','pn','bh']: feedback_mass.append(sum(tmp)) self.gas_reservoir[item][index] = self.gas_reservoir[item][index-1] + (sum(tmp) * self.outflow_feedback_fraction) self.cube['stars'][index] = self.cube['stars'][index-1] - sum(feedback_mass) self.cube['feedback'][index] = sum(feedback_mass) if self.check_processes: for i,item in enumerate(self.process_feedback_names): tmp_sn2 =[:index] * self.sn2_feedback[item][:index,index] self.sn2_cube[item][index] = sum(tmp_sn2) tmp_sn1a =[:index] * self.sn1a_feedback[item][:index,index] self.sn1a_cube[item][index] = sum(tmp_sn1a) tmp_agb =[:index] * self.agb_feedback[item][:index,index] self.agb_cube[item][index] = sum(tmp_agb) tmp_bh =[:index] * self.bh_feedback[item][:index,index] self.bh_cube[item][index] = sum(tmp_bh) ### First add the cosmic inflow to the corona cosmic_inflow =[index] * self.sfr_factor_for_cosmic_accretion self.gas_reservoir['gas'][index] = self.gas_reservoir['gas'][index-1] + cosmic_inflow for i,item in enumerate(self.cosmic_accretion_elements): self.gas_reservoir[item][index] += self.cosmic_accretion_element_fractions[i] * cosmic_inflow ### part of the feedback goes into the gas_reservoir self.gas_reservoir['gas'][index] += (sum(feedback_mass) * self.outflow_feedback_fraction) self.gas_reservoir['feedback'][index] = (sum(feedback_mass) * self.outflow_feedback_fraction) #### For infall related to sfr (Schmidt law) calculating the infall. if self.starformation_efficiency != 0.: gas_needed = np.power([index] / float(self.starformation_efficiency),1./float(self.gas_power)) gas_there = sum(list(self.cube[self.elements][index])) infall_needed = gas_needed - gas_there infall_needed *= 1.00000001 # to avoid less gas being requested than needed due to rounding errors (not sure what results from that, too little gas in the corona could be a result. lets see) if infall_needed < 0. : infall_needed = 0. ## for few parameter values of gas_power and SFE the infall_needed value could be too small if infall_needed + gas_there <=[index]: print('too few gas requested', 'infall needed= ', infall_needed, 'gas there = ', gas_there, 'total SFR = ',, 'gas needed = ', gas_needed, 'corona = ', self.gas_reservoir['gas'][index], 'sfe = ', self.starformation_efficiency , 'dt = ', self.dt) infall_needed =[index] - gas_there infall_needed *= 1.01 # to avoid the ISM being empty if infall_needed > self.gas_reservoir['gas'][index]: print('gas reservoir is empty') infall_needed = float(self.gas_reservoir['gas'][index]) self.infall[index] = float(infall_needed) self.cube['infall'][index] = float(infall_needed) ## gas reservoir gas is taken away and infalling on cube_gas for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): self.cube[item][index] += self.infall[index] * np.divide(self.gas_reservoir[item][index],self.gas_reservoir['gas'][index]) for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): self.gas_reservoir[item][index] -= self.infall[index] * np.divide(self.gas_reservoir[item][index],self.gas_reservoir['gas'][index]) self.gas_reservoir['gas'][index] -= self.infall[index] # sfr will be subtracted in the next step[index] self.cube['gas'][index] = sum(list(self.cube[self.elements][index])) assert self.cube['gas'][index] >=[index], ('time index: ', index, 'gas: ', self.cube['gas'][index], 'sfr: ',[index], 'total SFR: ',, 'gas needed = ', gas_needed, 'corona = ', self.gas_reservoir['gas'][index], 'sfe = ', self.starformation_efficiency , 'dt = ', self.dt) for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): self.cube[item][index] -=[index] * np.divide(self.cube[item][index],self.cube['gas'][index]) self.cube['gas'][index] -=[index] self.cube['stars'][index] +=[index] # determine metal fraction for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): if item not in ['H','He']: self.cube['Z'][index] += self.cube[item][index] self.gas_reservoir['Z'][index] += self.gas_reservoir[item][index] self.cube['Z'][index] = self.cube['Z'][index] / float(self.cube['gas'][index]) self.gas_reservoir['Z'][index] = self.gas_reservoir['Z'][index] / float(self.gas_reservoir['gas'][index]) # determine alpha enhancement tmp = 0. for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): if item in ['O','Mg','Si','S','Ca','Ti']: self.cube['alpha'][index] += self.cube[item][index] #if item in ['Sc','V','Cr','Mn','Fe','Co','Ni','Zn']: #tmp += self.cube[item][index] self.cube['alpha'][index] = self.cube['alpha'][index] / self.cube['gas'][index]
#print index, len(ssp_yield),self.cube['Z'][index],self.cube['alpha'][index]